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Double opt in - external forms

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I am working (trying to:) with double optin feature of D4M, I have a few questions regarding this.

1. If my newsletter subscription form is hosted outside (and retrieved via form capture), I cannot set the double opt in on that form, even with the new form level double opt in, right? Presumably, I need to do some workarounds with the platform. Has anyone had any success?

2. If the contact/lead has not confirmed with DOI enabled in the system, what is the status of that request/contact record? And if the record does not exist is it created only after the DOI confirmation? Can DOI status request somehow be retrieved (i.e be able to find the customers which have not confirmed yet)? Or is it only what is presented on the Insights tab (for example contact) and then checking interactions (subscribes/unsubscribes). I've went through the list of interactions that can be retrieved but did not find anything that would point me in the DOI direction.

Thank you,


  • Suggested answer
    Petit Hibou Profile Picture
    Petit Hibou on at
    RE: Double opt in - external forms

    Hi Antonio,

    1. I don't see any obstacles to that (but may be I don't understand what "retrieved from form capture" means). My view is as follows: you create a SC form, can define DoI on a form level. You can then embed it into an external marketing page but it still remains D4M entity. is that correct? Or how it looks like on your side?

    2. if contact received a confirmation email but hasn't clicked the link inside, this contact is not created (for form level DoI). you can imagine this as keeping contact record in a temporary DB for some time and if email is not clicked, this record is deleted. What's your business need? Track those customers who haven't provided consent?



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