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Strange error on data entity

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I'm facing with following error:

Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State
Error        ClassDoesNotContainMethod: Class '__Persister__' does not contain a definition for method 'isAnyFieldSet_DS9' and no extension method 'isAnyFieldSet_DS9' accepting a first argument of type '__Persister__' is found on any extension class.        dynamics://Class/__Persister__/Method/mapToDataSource_DS9    121    

It is not meaningful and it does not ever refers to correct object. But it relates to data entity. And appears only if I change join type of one of my data sources to OuterJoin. It works correctly with InnerJoin.

Does anyone have a clue what does this mean and how can I get more information about this error, for example it refers to line 121, where can I see this line?

  • Suggested answer
    RoccoB71 Profile Picture
    RoccoB71 5 on at
    RE: Strange error on data entity

    I fixed the same error (ending on _DS5 in my case) by rerouting the Data Entity Field 'ProjId' to another DataSource in my Data Entity.

    I have an OuterJoined DS with Range on ProjId.

    The data entity field ProjID had was referring to the same DS as the Range was defined upon.

    Changed the DataSource of the field to another DS in my data entity (lucky to have one).

    This way I can still use the Range on ProjId on a DataSource that is still Outer Joined (both needed).

  • mjjoachim Profile Picture
    mjjoachim 3 on at
    RE: Strange error on data entity

    What do we do if we need the range?

    The machine the entity was developed on has the isAnyFieldSet_DS6 method. Why does the method exist on that machine? Is this a bug with the way the model file is imported or something?

    I also have an example of another entity which does have a range on one of its data sources: DirPartyBaseEntity has a range on the PrimaryContactEmail data source. Why does that entity work? I guess in that case it is joined via an inner join when used in the VendVendorEntity.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Strange error on data entity

    Hi Vasiliy,

    You can find the source code files in "AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\GeneratedXppSource".

    What is causing the build error is that in this helper class generated for your entity, there is a call to "isAnyFieldSet_DS9", but in this case the system does not define this method in the generated file!

    In my case it was the same cause as Balint described, removing the range fixed the build.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Strange error on data entity

    UPDATE: The error occurs when I'am adding Range on OUTTER JOINED datasource of the Entity.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Strange error on data entity

    Hi Vasiliy!

    I got the same error, and I realized that the error occurs when I am adding Ranges to the entity's datasources, except the FIRST DS.

    Do you have any localization packages installed on ur environment?

    Best regards,


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