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Receiving a file size too large error on mobile app

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Posted on by 80

We suddenly started receiving an error message from time to time while taking pictures through the resco mobile app. "Server Error:Attachment file size is too big"

I'm having some trouble tracking down where this message is coming from. 

Anyone see this before or know where to narrow down my search? 

Dave Pekarchik

  • Dpekarchik Profile Picture
    Dpekarchik 80 on at
    RE: Receiving a file size too large error on mobile app

    Awesome thanks!

  • Suggested answer
    HartmutE Profile Picture
    HartmutE 16 on at
    RE: Receiving a file size too large error on mobile app

    You can push down the configuration to all users form the Resco app.

    From Dynamics start the Woodford app.

    Select your project and click on Edit.

    Inside the project, select Configuration from the menu.

    Change the 'Capture Photo Size' to limit the size of the pictures taken from within the application.

    Change 'Max Attachment Size' to allow larger files to be synchronized to the server,

    Publish the app and the settings will sync down the mobile app.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Receiving a file size too large error on mobile app

    They'll each have to do it individually. We find it most efficient to put out a guide (preferably as short as possible) for each of the three platforms that explains how to do it.

  • Dpekarchik Profile Picture
    Dpekarchik 80 on at
    RE: Receiving a file size too large error on mobile app

    Is there a way to default the mobile app settings for all users, or do they manually have to go into settings and change the resolution size?

  • Suggested answer
    Fannie30 Profile Picture
    Fannie30 2,990 on at
    RE: Receiving a file size too large error on mobile app

    Yes, you can do that, but the issue is the image size on the mobile devices will continuously get larger and larger as the phone cameras, etc improve.  The best way to achieve this is to 1) marginally change the file size, but 2) also have the mobile app save the image to a lower quality.  Unless you ABSOLUTELY need the best quality (which I have yet to see) saving it to a lower quality works just fine for the majority of use cases.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Receiving a file size too large error on mobile app

    You can change that by navigating to

    Settings > Administration > System Settings > Email Tab > Scroll down to "Set the file size limit for attachments"  (Max size is 131,072)

    If someone tries to send a file of that size on a mobile device, it's like to take quite a while and the User may assume something has gone wrong. I wouldn't suggest setting that max size to any larger than absolutely necessary.


  • Suggested answer
    Fannie30 Profile Picture
    Fannie30 2,990 on at
    RE: Receiving a file size too large error on mobile app

    The OOB image file size can be no larger than 5MB.  It is saying Server Error:  Attachment file is too big.....  You will need to either make the image smaller OR you can change the setting within the FS Mobile app to downsave it to a different resolution.

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