I know that DirPartyTable can have parties that can be a customer or company based on field DEL_Type, Also it has primary address location, primary email etcc
1. why DEL_TYPE can't bee seen in table browser even though visible is set to YES?
2. there are types like person,organization and legal entity. what is the difference between organization and legal entity? Also what is team and operatingUnit?
Now DirPerson inherits from DirPartyTable and from what i understood it has specific details about a person like it's birthdate, material status, etc...
3. Since this table is related to person shouldn't there be a relation with DEL_TYPE... i mean the relation is based here on recId so it doesn't make since for an organization to have material status. So can you please explain? When i insert a record in DirPerson how do u specify to what record in dirPartyTable do my new record refer to.
Now the contact person, I really don't understand what this table does from a business point view even when i look at the fields
4. so can u please explain?
5. DirPartyTable has relation with logistics location based on the PrimaryAddressLocation, so it just says extra info about the primary location of the customer/organization. But i didn't get what does this field IsPostal Mean? i think postal address means physical address right? so what could it be other than postal address?
6. are there other important tables i should be aware of and understand, related to dirPartyTable and not related to addresses?