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Journey could not be published due to too many actions being present exceeding '500'

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we try to publish a journey and run from error to error.
I have the feeling Microsoft uses us as beta tester and push us into more expensive licences with a complete broken tool! We are really thinking from stepping away and jump to more reliable automation tools.
Nevertheless we are stuck at the moment and run into this error: /Journey could not be published due to too many actions being present exceeding '500'/
Does anyone has experienced this error as well? This journey is not to complex but has 8 IF/THEN paths with another 2 IF/THEN for language check. Should not be to complex for a tool which calls themself /Marketing Automation/.
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Woley Profile Picture
    Kevin Woley on at
    Journey could not be published due to too many actions being present exceeding '500'
    Hi folks - I'm sorry you're running into this limitation. I understand the frustration that comes from building out a journey only to publish it and find out that there's a limitation. We're planning a couple of improvements that we hope will make this experience better. The first is to give you more information about how close you are to hitting a limitation on the complexity of the journey, so you can have the information to design your journey in a way that doesn't run into the limitations. The other improvements we're looking into are to better optimize the journey so you can do more within a single journey. These are improvements which are in our backlog and don't yet have a timeline for release. It would be helpful if you could create a feedback item in the Ideas portal so we can track votes on these improvements which helps us prioritize future work.
  • Journey could not be published due to too many actions being present exceeding '500'
    I am seeing a similar issue, is there a way to see how many action a journey has? It would be helpful to know if I am over a lot or a little when designing a journey. 
    Thank you
  • ShrShankar Profile Picture
    ShrShankar on at
    Journey could not be published due to too many actions being present exceeding '500'
    Hi Gregor - 
    My apologies that you are facing issues with the ability to publish the journey.
    This error occurs as there is a hard limitation from the Power Automate backend that has a hard limit of 500 actions per journey flow.
    We are working with the relevant backend team to see how we can circumvent this.

    I will circle back with you on this once we have a path forward.

    In the meantime, I would recommend revisiting the journey and seeing for places where we can optimize this or breaking this journey down into smaller journeys.

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