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Electronic Reporting Error - Running a Purchase order

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Posted on 10 Jul 2020 17:35:17 by 15

Hi all,

I am trying to run my Purchase Order derived from the Microsoft Configurations GER(without any changes) and I am met with these errors. Can someone help me?


  • Curtis M Olive Profile Picture
    on 30 Dec 2020 at 14:06:52
    RE: Electronic Reporting Error - Running a Purchase order

    Yes, I went out and confirmed that I had the most recent Purchase Order (Excel) and the Order Model.  Before any changes were made (meaning creating a new report), I set Print management to the Microsoft Published Purchase Order (Excel) and I got that error.  I have since tried the rebase and it did not help.

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Microsoft Employee on 30 Dec 2020 at 05:26:42
    RE: Electronic Reporting Error - Running a Purchase order

    Hello Curtis,

    Have you tried running the 'original' ER without making any changes?

    I would suspect that it gives you the same error messages probably due to a system bug.

    Have you tried checking for a hotfix on LCS already and/or tried contacting the MS support?

    Best regards,


  • Curtis M Olive Profile Picture
    on 29 Dec 2020 at 17:27:00
    RE: Electronic Reporting Error - Running a Purchase order

    I have a similar issue with a recent release.  I am currently on:

    Dynamics 365 F&O 10.0.14

    Platform Update 38

    I just pulled from LCS into the system the Excel Purchase Order to make changes (mainly removing a few fields and repositioning others).  Without even changing anything I do a confirmation of PO to print (Already set Print Management to the Excel report) and I get:

    An error occurred during the 'Format mapping' run. For more information, contact your system administrator.

    Evaluating binding of format component Purchase order (Excel)/PurchaseOrder/Header/rptHeader_CompanyName.

    Error while evaluating expression for path 'model/$PurchPurchase/BuyerCustomerParty/Party/PartyName/Name'.

    Error while evaluating expression for path '$CompanyInfo/name()'.

    Error while evaluating expression for path 'Tables/CompanyInfo/find()'.

    Stack trace: Field 'relationType' in table 'CompanyInfo' has not been explicitly selected.

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Microsoft Employee on 13 Jul 2020 at 05:24:08
    RE: Electronic Reporting Error - Running a Purchase order

    Good morning Sandra,

    The MS models are attached to the "Microsoft" electronic reporting configuration provider.

    If you import things from LCS they will have this name attached in the upper right hand corner of your model and everything related to it and you cannot change things there.

    What you have to do instead is creating a copy (derived model or config. or model mapping), which will then allow you changing things as you like.

    Hope that helps.

    Best regards,


  • SandraS2654 Profile Picture
    15 on 12 Jul 2020 at 19:43:31
    RE: Electronic Reporting Error - Running a Purchase order

    Right. I have added my own text in places and changed text colors and that worked great!

    I just have one more question. I have seen in some blogs of needing and derived import/export format based model for format mapping.

    Is that only needed if you are creating a root model not derived from MS models?

    Or do you need that when adding cells/ranges as well?


  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Microsoft Employee on 12 Jul 2020 at 17:43:43
    RE: Electronic Reporting Error - Running a Purchase order

    Hi Sandra,

    Personally, I prefer to work directly in the electronic reporting workspace and not in the Excel designer because you have kind of limited options there.

    If you want to add a cell/range then I would create a copy of the MS default report because you won't be able modifying the MS stuff because of the provider name.

    Once you have that copy created, download the Excel attachment, make the changes and upload it again.

    That's the fastest and easiest option in my opinion.

    When doing that you have to make sure that the old template is removed and that the file name is updated. Otherwise, you will get error messages.

    Probably start easy and simply color a cell in the Excel sheet to see how this works.

    Best regards,


  • SandraS2654 Profile Picture
    15 on 12 Jul 2020 at 15:23:08
    RE: Electronic Reporting Error - Running a Purchase order

    Good morning Ludwig,

    So thank you for setting up in your environment! This issue is more when I derive a PO from the MS given PO.

    I cannot make any changes adding a cell/range with out getting this error


    If I then delete it in the ER workspace(cancel what I was attempting to do), the same error wont go away.

    If I try added the cell/range in the ER workspace, I cant navigate away because the newly added cell/range "does not exist in Excel sheet 'PurchaseOrder'"

    I tried binding it to data, that didn't work. I'm not focusing on adding any new data to the report/data model so I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

    The error I showed in my original post was from trying to run my derived PO with an additional cell.

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Microsoft Employee on 12 Jul 2020 at 05:30:05
    RE: Electronic Reporting Error - Running a Purchase order

    Good morning Sandra, 

    I tried running this report in my demo environment and things worked. 

    Here a short summary of that I did. 

    Step 1: Ensure that you have the latest version imported in your ER workspace


    Step 2: Print management setup 


    Step 3: Create PO, confirm it and print the confirmation

    Result: The report is created without error


    Can you please test that you have the same version / KB of the report downloaded from LCS?

    Also, I run this in a PU35 machine. If you are on an older version try to replicate it in the most recent version. 

    Best regards, 


  • SandraS2654 Profile Picture
    15 on 11 Jul 2020 at 18:46:12
    RE: Electronic Reporting Error - Running a Purchase order

    Here are some more screenshots of my model


    Reference item is "Order" root node.

    I added "Purchase" definition


    Inside the designed I added data model "Order" and binded "purchaseorderinquiry" to that data model


    Thanks again!

  • SandraS2654 Profile Picture
    15 on 11 Jul 2020 at 18:23:22
    RE: Electronic Reporting Error - Running a Purchase order


    Installed product version : 10.0.10 (10.0.420.10007)

    Installed platform version : Update34 (7.0.5600.35524)


    Version of the report is 73.56; Order model version 73

    I have not made any modification to the report; just derived directly from the imported MS report

    Thank you!

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