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Flows - Power Automate

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Good Morning,
I am new to D365 and trying to learn how to create a Flow using Power Automate as I need to update fields on a form and send out email notifications if and when certain criteria happen.
I have created a Flow btu I am getting a /warning/ that states /Actions in this Flow may result in an infinite trigger loop. Please ensure you add appropriate conditional checks to prevent this flow from triggering itself.”
I am not sure how to remedy this. Can someone help me resolve this, or possibly refer me to some training that can explain how to clear this warning?
Thank you
  • Shawn Low Profile Picture
    Shawn Low 37 on at
    Flows - Power Automate
    Hi All.
    Here is the Trigger. There is no specific criteria, as I want the Flow to run whenever a Regulatory Case is Modified (Edited). The Flow should then check specific conditions set within the many Options, and if the answer is "Yes" then the system updates fields, and possibly sends out an email. If the answer to the Option is "No" then it goes to the next step, where there is another decision (Option) to evaluate, and again, if "Yes", then do "this", if "No" then do nothing and go on to the next step. This continues through multiple steps, updating the record is needed, or doing nothing if nothing is needed to be changed or updated.
    The Flow is built with multiple layers of Decisions (Options - If the record = "this" then do "that", if not, then do "these". 
    If it's a "Must" to limit when the Flow runs only when specific fields are changed, then I guess I'll add them to the trigger. I think this limits the automation, but OK.
    If anyone has any additional input, please let me know how to clear this Warning.
    Thank you
  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Flows - Power Automate
    Hi Partner,
    As Amit suggested, you should share screenshot about this step--trigger:
    If the trigger you choose is record change, then your last update record operation will indeed result in an endless loop.
    To avoid this, you need to set restrictions on the trigger action.
  • Suggested answer
    Amit Katariya007 Profile Picture
    Amit Katariya007 9,150 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    Flows - Power Automate
    Hello User,
    can you share the more images of the flow? it will help to see what is the trigger point and if you are updating the same fields or not.
    Thank you,
    Amit Katariya
  • Shawn Low Profile Picture
    Shawn Low 37 on at
    Flows - Power Automate
    Thank you Adrian Begovich for the article. It was very informative.
    I am still getting the Warning Messages, I thought maybe if I used some screen shots someone might be able to help with this.
    Here is the Warning:
    When I click the Warning, it takes me here:
    If I Open up the "Yes" to get to the added step the article talks about, adding a Pre-update Option making sure the fields are not set to those values already.
    Then you Open up the 'Yes" to get to the Internal Case Field Update.
    So as you can see, once the fields are updated, then the previous Option should answer "No" and stop, as there are no actions after that. 
    What am I missing?
    Thanks Everyone,
    Shawn Low
  • Suggested answer
    Flows - Power Automate
        To prevent the infinite looping in Power Automate, you can use a flag field(could be a true or false field). If your desired operation is accomplished, you can update the flag field and make the condition according to the flag field. By this way you can prevent the infinite looping in Power Automate.
    If you found this helpful, like and verify my answer
    Tamilarasu Arunachalam
  • Suggested answer
    Adrian Begovich Profile Picture
    Adrian Begovich 1,014 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Flows - Power Automate
    This article explains how to avoid an infinite trigger loop in Power Automate.

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