I am trying to print only the OPEN or PARTIALLY OPEN items on the AR Statement but am having no luck.
Below is what I have selected in the "Print For" Options:
Current Period Balance
Past Due Balance
Credit Balance
Show Applied Payments
Exclude Fully Applied Payments
I am just printing for one customer until I can get it the way I want, if possible. So I'm using Customer #107454.
The other piece of this I think are the dates selected on the top right of the Statement. For these I have:
Date to Print: Current Date
Summarize to: Enter Date - but no date is entered ( I tried it with 01/01/2020 and it made no difference)
Cutoff Date: Current Date
NOW, what actually gets printed on the statement is: I get the message "There are no records to be printed"
if I UN-CHECK "Show Applied Payments" and "Exclude Fully Applied Payments I get the same message as above, "There are no records to be printed"
So, that leaves me to believe that it has to do more with the 3 Dates select above than the "Print For" Options? But I tried entering:
Date to Print: Current Date
Summarize to: Enter Date (but left date blank)
Cutoff Date: 06/30/2020
And still got "There are no records to be printed"
If I print the Aged Trial Balance with Options I get the below:
So what am I missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Joan Ludwig
Sr Dynamics GP Consultant
Mobile: 813-335-6054
Hello Joan,
I recommend checking to make sure the Customer is setup with a Statement Cycle. You can do this by pulling up the Customer in the Customer Maintenance window (Cards -> Sales -> Customer), then click the Options button in the bottom right. You can find the Statement Cycle in the bottom right. Sometimes we see this blank when customers are imported, or set to No Statement. You can set this to just about any other option for the customer to print on Statements.
As a note, please be careful when posting screenshots of reports to the Forums. Your screenshot above holds information that probably shouldn't be public, such as the Contact's name and their Phone Number. I usually recommend blacking out anything that could be used in a basic Bing Search to find a company or customer (names/numbers/addresses).
I should mention the customer is on GP18 R2
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