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Word Add-in Failed to Initialize

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We upgraded a client to GP 2018, and are wanting to use the Word Templates.  The client is using Office 2016. 

The add-in is not showing on the Developer tab in Word.  When I look at the Add-Ins tab under Word Options (under File), the add-in is listing as Inactive.  When Go to manage the Com Add-ins, the Load Behavior says "Not loaded.  The Managed Add-In Loader failed to initialize"

Anyone have any thoughts?

  • Derek Albaugh Profile Picture
    on at
    RE: Word Add-in Failed to Initialize

    While you don't necessarily need Dynamics GP installed on the same machine as the Word Add-In is installed onto, along with MS Word, you wouldn't be able to import the templates into Dynamics GP when you are done or test it, so it's recommended that GP is installed on the same machine as Word and the Word Add-In.

    Here's a couple of documents that may help resolve the issue:

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on at
    RE: Word Add-in Failed to Initialize

    So it's late, and I just connected to another one of their machines to work on - and while GP 2018 is installed, this machine is still Windows 7 and Word 2013.

    Oh vey!

    So now I'm wondering - do I really need the Word add-in on the same machine as GP?  I know I need to export the original template to Word, but can't I save that Word file and move it to a different machine with just Word and the GP add-In?  Or does the add-in need some sort of link to GP to install/work?

  • Derek Albaugh Profile Picture
    on at
    RE: Word Add-in Failed to Initialize

    I'm not completely sure what the LoadBehavior number of 3 means exactly, but sometimes when a COM add-in load fails, Office will switch the setting to 2.

    A couple other things you can look at, not in any particular order:

    --Turn off any antivirus software. Some antivirus softwares have special plug ins for the office products. Norton for sure has one.

    --Disable other Add-ins to check for conflicts. Change the LoadBehavior setting to 2 for add-ins listed in HKCU (as above) or HKLM > software > microsoft > office > word > addins

    --Turn on UAC if it is turned off or vice versa

    --Make sure your .NET framework is up to date

    Other than this and the above, that is about all I have in regards to installing the "Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-In for Microsoft Word" and having it enabled as as add-in in MS Word so the Developer tab can be set to display for the user.

    Let us know if you still have questions.

    Thank you,

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    on at
    RE: Word Add-in Failed to Initialize

    Wow Derek!  That's a lot!

    So the addin shows under the Word Options, it just shows as Inactive and won't enable.

    I found the 4 files as noted, moved them and repaired, and they returned.

    I skipped the uninstall all and reinstall due to time.

    When checked the registry, the key value was 2 not 3.  I changed it and relaunched Word - no change. 

    This is a machine with multiple profiles, but I'm going to be the only one using the Word Addon, and I was the one that did the install.

    What do the LoadBehavior numbers mean?


  • Derek Albaugh Profile Picture
    on at
    RE: Word Add-in Failed to Initialize

    Usually when the add-in shows in Word under Options > Add-Ins, under Inactive, we would verify what 'Type' the GP Add-In is showing as, for example mine shows as a 'COM Add-in', then we'd want to select 'COM Add-ins' from the drop-down list next to 'Manage:' at the bottom of the window, then click 'Go...' and then in the list of 'COM Add-ins', we'd want to put a check-mark next to 'Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-in for Microsoft Word' and click OK, which should then show the GP Add-In as a active add-in in MS Word. 

    Other things to verify if this doesn't resolve the issue:

    >>The default path for the Dynamics GP Add-In for MS Word is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\Report Templates\, if you browse to this directory, do you see 2 .dll files, a .manifest file and then a .vsto file?

         If you see these four files, cut/paste them into a backup folder, then in Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, run a Repair against the 'Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-in for Microsoft Word', which should re-create those four files, then launch MS Word and see if you see the GP Add-in, even as a inactive add-in now, or not at all.

    >>Other prerequisites that the GP Add-Ins rely on, that we've seen have to be uninstalled and reinstalled to get the Add-Ins to work are:

         a. Uninstall the GP Word Add-In
         b. Uninstall the Visual Studio #### Runtime (if applicable)
         c. Uninstall the Visual Studio Tools for the Office System 3.0 Runtime (if applicable)
         d. Launch the install of the GP Word Add-Ins again, which should prompt to install any missing pre-requisites as needed.
         e. Once the install of the GP Add-Ins for MS Word complete successfully, go through the same steps mentioned previously to enable the add-ins and the Developer tab in MS Word. 

    >>We've also seen where we've had to completely uninstall MS Office (to include Word) and reinstall it to get the GP Add-Ins to work, as there are Registry settings also that the GP Add-Ins rely on and if those are not setup correctly, the installation could seemingly fail or not work correctly. 

    >>Lastly, verify the following:

         a. Go to Start | Run and type regedit.

         b. Go to the following location:


         c. Verify the LoadBehavior key is set to 3. (i.e. 0x00000003 (3) )

         d. Please also verify the path to the Manifest is correct. It should point to the Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.BusinessIntelligence.BITemplateMapping.vsto file. For example, mine shows as C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\Report Templates\Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.BusinessIntelligence.BITemplateMapping.vsto|vstolocal 

    I also wanted to mention that the Microsoft Dynamics GP Add-in for Microsoft Word is User Profile specific. Therefore, this add-in needs to be installed for each user that is going to be creating new Word templates and/or adding data sources and fields to existing Word templates.

            I mention this just in case you're installing this logged on as your domain\userA account, but then having domain\userB look for it in their MS Word.

    Let us know what you find out.........Thanks

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