I am trying to import translations for product names in additional language.
The issue I have is that searching for products on Default products view is not working when I switch user interface language to additional. Searching is working only when english language is enabled.
I followed this tutorial: https://dynamicsblog.azurewebsites.net/2018/02/11/translations-in-dynamics-crm-part-ii/
I have two problems: First problem is that when I export this field translations and I open the xml file in Excel I do not see all the products that are created in CRM. I see only a few product records.
The second problem is that even when I try to import this file back to the CRM i get following error: Waiting for retry due to error
A SQL Server error occurred. Try this action again. If the problem continues, check the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Community for solutions or contact your organization's Microsoft Dynamics 365 Administrator. Finally, you can contact Microsoft Support.
This is more detailed error description: Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AI" and "Latin1_General_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.
The version of CRM is following: 1612 ( (DB on-premises