Hi, all.
I have a problem with Include Caption option in a report.
Report is 722 Phys. Inventory List. In Data Item "Item Journal Line" there are fields DocNo_ItemJournalLine, ItemNo_ItemJournalLine, Desc_ItemJournalLine, LocCode_ItemJournalLine, QtyCalculated_ItemJnlLin and BinCode_ItemJournalLine which all have Include Caption property set. When the report is run, proper captions for those fields are not showed, but the names of the parameters are shown instead (DocNo_ItemJournalLineCaption, ItemNo_ItemJournalLineCaption, etc.).
Report is not modified in any manner. Its version is NAVW17.10.00.40076. On a different database, the same report with version NAVW17.10 is showing captions properly. I've compared the versions and I don't see any difference that could be relevant.
I've also tried reseting the caption, removed it from the layout, removed the mark from option Include Caption, complied the report, added it again, but no use, same problem again.
I hope someone could help me, because it would be realy tedious work to switch from Include Caption to manualy added Labels in all of the reports where I may encounter this problem again.
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