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Financial Module - Batch Error Message - The Currency ID is missing.

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Our organization is a water and sewer utility.  We are currently in the implementation phase of transitioning to a new utility billing software (SpryCIS).  As part of the testing phase, we are trying to get a daily journal entry to import into the Financial module of GP via a stored procedure that was developed by the vendor of this utility billing software.  We call that stored procedure that pushes the daily journal entry from SpryCIS to an unposted batch in the Financial module the /FIS Tool/.
So far, it looks like we've finally been able to get the stored procedure to automatically send over that day's journal entry(ies), after-hours.  So, an unposted batch is showing up in the Financial module when we login the next morning.
I should note that we are using a /TEST/DEMO/ GP company to do this testing with the new utility billing software and associated stored procedure.  
However, when I print the /Edit List/ to screen, I see that the journal entry(ies) have a message above each entry that says /The Currency ID is missing./  Furthermore, when I try to post the batch, they don't actually post.  The posting journal includes three error messages above each journal entry:

-The currency ID is missing.
-The rate type ID is missing.
-The exchange table is missing.
I have never come across these error messages in my 12+ years of using GP.  And to my knowledge we've never really done any configuring around /currency/ or /multicurrency/ in our instance of GP.  After all, we are a simple water and sewer utility based in central South Carolina.  Therefore, we are only using $US (or USD).  
When I try to troubleshoot myself, I've found a couple of links that seem to suggest updating currency or multicurrency setup windows.  However, when I go to these windows, there don't appear to be any Currency IDs setup - USD or otherwise.
Here are a couple of links I've been referred to:
Furthermore, we already have a daily /Transfer to GL/ process already setup with our current utility billing software.  We've had this setup for many years.  It's essentially the exact same concept we are trying to setup with the SpryCIS /FIS Tool/, except the FIS Tool is supposed to be more automated via a stored procedure, and we've never run into any of these /currency ID/, /rate type/ or /exchange table/ errors on any Financial module batches in the past.
It makes me curious as to whether the FIS Tool might have been developed in a way that included /currency/ fields within its tables that don't really matter to our particular organization since we always use USD.

Keep in mind I'm an accountant and not an IT person, so I could easily have a large blind spot.
Can anyone else think of why we'd be receiving these error messages when trying to post GL batches in the financial module of our TEST company?
Could it have to do with not having a certain /dictionary/ installed or updated?
Ashton /Biff/ Blocker
  • Ashton Blocker Profile Picture
    Ashton Blocker 13 on at
    Financial Module - Batch Error Message - The Currency ID is missing.
    This "JMWSC DEMO" (i.e., TEST) company is occasionally "refreshed" via taking a backup of our production company and then restoring that backup to test.  That allows us to have two "identical" environments in case we're trying to test a process in GP and don't want to muddy up the "Live/Production" company database.  So, I would affirm your first question that our TEST company is basically a "quasi-restore" from production.  
    That's good advice to see if I can get "IT" involved to get a good SQL backup of production.  We're a small organization (about 35 employees) and only really have one person on staff who would be considered "IT".   However, we do have a contract service provider (VC3) who is really the backbone of our IT.  Maybe I'll see if they can assist.  And we are in transition with our Microsoft GP Partner.  We'll be moving to a new GP Partner ( later this year.  Our plan was to bring them on starting July 1, since that coincides with our new fiscal year, but it might be worthwhile to consider an ad hoc project prior to that date if we need this integration coming over sooner.  The latest understanding I have is that we aren't planning to go live with the new utility billing software until September, so maybe we have time, but that's something for us to consider. 
    I also reviewed your suggestion that I run a SmartList report (Account Transactions) that filters for "Document Status = Work".  I was able to determine that I have 19,209 transactions in "Work" status.  However, the vast majority of those are old transactions (even though the "Transaction Date" is shown as 3/5 - I'm guessing that's just because they were transactions that were restored yesterday (3/5) via the Check Links process) that debit a cash account and credit the same cash account for the same amount - essentially a "net zero" transaction (see picture below for example).  I'm wondering if this is related to something that just goes on in the background of our system based on the integration we have with our current utility billing system.  You see, we get a daily journal entry that reflects all activity recorded for the day in our separate utility billing system that gets sent over via this integration for posting into GP as our ERP.  However, additionally, in order to populate the "bank reconciliation" module with any transactions that hit "cash" for that day, I bet these are those transactions.  In other words, it looks like some sort of bank transaction (i.e., Increase or Decrease adjustment) to have that cash entry show up in the "bank reconciliation module", but not make any net adjustment to the GL since that activity would have already been reflected in the daily Transfer to GL journal entry that came over via the integration.  
    I'll keep my fingers crossed that when we attempt to go-live with the new utility billing software and associated stored procedure integration that the Check Links is a relatively minor or non-issue.  In the meantime, maybe I can review with either our IT and/or GP Partner to come up with a plan on how we might approach cleaning up any issues identified in Check Links.

    Thank you so much for your guidance on this issue!!
  • Suggested answer
    Lisa at Profile Picture
    Lisa at 557 on at
    Financial Module - Batch Error Message - The Currency ID is missing.
    That is excellent progress, Ashton!
    Do you know how your TEST company was created?  I'm wondering if it was a quasi-restore from production and then delete some stuff to clear it out approach.  That would explain why there are batches with some questionable statuses.
    Before you go live with the integration, I recommend you need to work with IT to get a good SQL Backup of production and then repeat the Check Links process in production to make certain it is squeaky clean before bringin in the new integration.
    Regarding the batches that are empty, you should be able to easily delete those.  The ones that have the invalid Frequency - blank in your screenshot - that is going to take some SQL work to fix those.  Is that something your internal IT or GP partner is able to help resolve?
    I use Microsoft Dynamics GP > Financial > Account Transactions and Search for Document Status = Work to view unposted transactions.  

    Since SmartList just returns the rows of data, it won't get caught up in any batch-level issues.  You'll be able to view the entries that are in the batches to determine if those batches can also be removed.

    [If when you are ready to go-live and attempt the Check Links in the production company, you may find this is a non-issue.]
  • Ashton Blocker Profile Picture
    Ashton Blocker 13 on at
    Financial Module - Batch Error Message - The Currency ID is missing.
    Thank you for those suggestions.  I did open the "Multicurrency Access Setup" window.  When I select the "Z-US$" currency, it appears to me that it is assigned to both of our companies "Joint Municipal Water & Sewer Commission" (i.e., Live/Production) and JMWSC DEMO (i.e., test company).  See picture of that window below.
    I believe these integrations to be "custom code" by the developers of the SpryCIS software.  But honestly, I'm not 100% sure on that.  I'm an accountant and not an IT person.  But I believe that to be the case.  
    Additionally, your post encouraged me to run "Check Links" in our DEMO/TEST GP company.  Admittedly, I do not run this very often.  Maybe this is a blind spot of mine, but because it is not part of our normal process, I often forget it is available.  After running Check Links on all Financial module tables, which took about 2 hours to run, I ended up with a "File Maintenance Error Log" report which was about 1450 pages long.  So, that was concerning.  However, after reviewing the report a little closer, it looks like many of the errors are the same error repeated many times.  In fact, several of the errors reference a Checkbook ID that we haven't used in about 5 years.  

    In any event, amongst that litany of error messages, I did come across several that say, "The currency ID for existing transactions has been updated to the functional currency".  I thought that might be good news because it seemed to be along the lines of the error messages I was running into.

    I went back to those same batches that were giving me the error message, and hallelujah - they posted without error!
    So, I think I've now cleared that hurdle that I was initially worried about.
    THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking some time to respond to this thread.  I think your suggestions led to me being able to move forward with posting these batches!
    One thing that does give me some concern, however, is that while I was able to post those batches that were previously held up due to those noted error messages (i.e., currency ID is missing, rate type ID is missing, exchange table is missing), I now have hundreds of batches that have populated the "Batch IDs" window.  These all relate to old batches that have previously been posted. 
    Several of the batches reflect "No Transactions" and when you click on them to open the Batch Entry window, the Comment says, "Check links batch comments".  Those seem pretty innocuous. 
    Other batches that were added to the "Batch IDs" window have a status of "Available".  When I try to open those, they seem to have a "Batch Total", but I also get a pop-up error message that says, "The batch frequency cannot be changed to single use.  The batch has been posted previously."  And the batch Comment still says, "Check links batch comment".  I also notice that for some reason these batches list "Times Posted" as "89" which certainly wouldn't have been the case.  They would have been batches that posted once. 
    Also, the batch total seems to always be the same value - $97,634.56.  When I try to print an Edit List, I get an error message that says, "The stored procedure glpPostBatch returned the following results: DBMS: 0, Microsoft Dynamics GP: 20911 (More Info: glpVerifyBatchTransactions. Invalid Posting Status)", followed by an Edit List with a handful of $0.00 journal entries.  
    These seem to me like batches I can probably delete.  I'm not too worried about it right now because I'm working in our DEMO/TEST company, but I'm anticipating in the future when we connect this integration between the new SpryCIS software and our LIVE company database in GP.  I'm thinking I might have to go through the same "Check Links" process, which might again generate a long list on the "Error Log Report".  I'm trying to think through how I might handle such a long list of batches populating/re-populating the "Batch IDs" window in the LIVE company.  I don't want to double-post batches that were previously posted and either "muddy" or "corrupt" the General Ledger for my LIVE company.  Have you ever seen this happen after running "Check Links"?  Any suggestions on how I might approach that?
  • Suggested answer
    Lisa at Profile Picture
    Lisa at 557 on at
    Financial Module - Batch Error Message - The Currency ID is missing.
    Ashton - Could it be that you created a new company for this testing and the currency isn't assigned?  You can check this out in Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > System > Multicurrency Access.  (When I first create a new company I run through Check Links for the modules as it will catch this type of setup issue.)
    Regarding the differences in your integrations, it could be the old system was using Integration Manager and the new system is using eConnect (or they are both custom code and the developers handled things differently).
    Have you actually keyed/posted the Journal Entry into the test company?  I often find that setup issues will show themselves during that process.  😊

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