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EU Sales list: project invoices with sales tax code for EU triangular trades won't be included to the list

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Hi all,

I am facing a problem with the EU Sales List in AX 2012 R3. Do you have probably any idea?

We need to set up a new Sales tax code  for EU triangular trades with tax-free code 42. So I have made the following setup:




I have then created a  couple of project invoices and free text invoice with this new Sales tax code.

Problem 1: the project invoices with this code are not included in EU Sales List,  while free text invoices are included! (Tax group D-EU(Customers EU), Item sales tax group IG-DR)

We don't use sales orders for generating a project invoice; generally only item requirements or sometimes item journals. 

Project invoices with other tax code, e.g.EU- Intra-community sales of goods (Tax group D-EU(Customers EU), Item sales tax group FULL,Tax-free sales code: 41) are included in EU sales list.

Actually I've set up the new EU triangulation sales tax code similar to EU- Intra-community sales of goods, so I cannot understand why project invoices with the new sales tax code aren't included in EU sales list.

Problem 2: we have some project invoices, where e.g. the billing address is Germany, but beneficiary address is Austria. The invoices are taken in this case correctly to EU sales list with the Austrian tax exempt number, but "Country/Region" stays as DEU(Germany).

Can someone explain why we have there DEU as Land, and not AUT Austria?


Thanks a lot!!

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: EU Sales list: project invoices with sales tax code for EU triangular trades won't be included to the list

    Hello JuleWergne,

    Many thanks for the update.

    If things still don't work then it might be the fastest way forward asking a developer having a look at the issue to ensure that nothing has been overlooked and that this is not a system bug.

    Would be great if you could keep us updated about your findings.

    Best regards,


  • JuleWergne Profile Picture
    JuleWergne 2 on at
    RE: EU Sales list: project invoices with sales tax code for EU triangular trades won't be included to the list

    Hello Ludwig,

    I checked it: the list code on the project contract is "not included".

    I changed it to "Triangulation/EU Trade" and tested a couple of project invoices: they are still not in the EU sales list.

    Do you think, I should check the EU sales list report with a developer?

    Thank you!

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: EU Sales list: project invoices with sales tax code for EU triangular trades won't be included to the list

    Hi Jule,

    Can you please check the following field at your project contract level?

    Best regards, 


  • JuleWergne Profile Picture
    JuleWergne 2 on at
    RE: EU Sales list: project invoices with sales tax code for EU triangular trades won't be included to the list

    Hello Ludwig,

    we don't use direct deliveries; and also sales orders (at least not for triangular trades).

    Here are more details of the process, as the key user describes:

    we purchase an item from a vendor A in some EU country; this vendor delivers the item directly to a customer B in another EU country. So physically we don't get this item.

    In our ERP system the whole process looks like:

    1)we create an item requirement on the project, then from item requirement-->purchase requirement and purchase order for the vendor A.

    Later we post the product receipt and and the vendor invoice.

    2)and at that time the packing slip on the item requirement will be posted-->so we get a transaction on the project, which now can be invoiced to the customer B.

    The problem is described before: I set up a new tax code for EU triangular trades with tax-free code 42. And for some reason we don't get these invoices with a new tax code in the EU Sales list.

    But I tested free text invoices with a new tax code-->they are in EU sales list.

    Best regards.

  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: EU Sales list: project invoices with sales tax code for EU triangular trades won't be included to the list

    Hi Jule,

    I got that point.

    Yet, the question is why you use project invoices for that purpose?

    I would expect that you use 'ordinary' purchase and sales orders.

    Another important question is whether you make use of direct deliveries? If so, how to you manage that with your projects?

    Best regards,


  • JuleWergne Profile Picture
    JuleWergne 2 on at
    RE: EU Sales list: project invoices with sales tax code for EU triangular trades won't be included to the list

    Hello Ludwig,

    in simple words, we buy some items from one EU country and want to sell this item to another EU country.

    Would it be sufficient? or do you need rather step-by-step description of processes in AX?

    Thank you!

  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: EU Sales list: project invoices with sales tax code for EU triangular trades won't be included to the list

    Hello Jule,

    What project related business process is related to triangular trade?

    What is the business process that you want to incorporate?

    Would be great if you could explain in more detail.

    Many thanks,


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