Hi everyone,
I've been having an issue for about a year now where phone calls will close themselves with no input from the users.
I haven't been able to identify a cause or even replicate it yet every now and then certain users will lose phone calls from their dashboards. What's also noteworthy is it seems to affect multiple people in the same State at once.
I have tried using XRM Toolbox to re-open the phone calls via Bulk Data Update, this opens the calls however they still close.
I have tried an on demand workflow to update the status however these calls close after about 15 minutes.
I have 're-created' a user via the steps outlined here --> (+) Re-Create a CRM User - Microsoft Dynamics CRM Community however this also hasn't solved the problem, one user I did this for encountered the issue again. In this instance the manually recreated all the closed phone calls.
The only glimpse of this issue I have been able to replicate is on our UAT version, I closed one activity via the "Close Activity" button in the Activity Timeline and upon refresh, all phone calls closed. This has not been replicated since however.
If anyone has any ideas I'd be appreciative, really have no idea why this is happening or how to fix it.