Hi All,
My client is using NAV2016 and wants to utilize email function (send posted sales invoice by email via NAV).
By default, if the user selects multiple invoices of same customer, email dialog pop-up and attached single PDF including multiple invoices and allow user to send customer single email with one PDF incl. multiple invoices. My client's environment has two add-on modules and when I tested to select multiple posted sales invoice of same customer, the following message shows up
"Do you want to suppress send dialog?"
The behavior is if I click "Yes", nothing is happened. If I click "No", email dialog pops up but it is split per number of invoices I selected. For example, if I select two invoice and click "Email" icon on Posted sales invoice window (ribbon is located under action tab), the pop-up message above is shown up and click "No", email dialog pop-up but attached PDF contains first invoice only. Once I click ok, another email dialog pop-up to proceed second invoice. This awkward behavior may be caused by add-on modules which are totally NOT relating to default email function in NAV, but how can I trace to find the trigger of the message above in development environment? Email dialog is page ID 9700 and I looked at code by C/AL editor but unable to find the script to run the message above.
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.