RE: how to get the unit sales price in Approved Time Entries view
Hi Leonardu,
In my opinion, the best way would be with Power BI. You can include a Power BI embedded in the form that would display the information (filtered for that single project) you already have plus the cost and or sales for that Time Entry. It can be small, so u keep the records below it in your Subgrid.
Now, the Sales Price List comes from the Price List used in this project and is associated with Roles. Price in PO is always based on Roles and not resources per se. So, you can query either: The Actual once it is approved (only approved records this way) or the price list and the Role in it to get the sales value and do that x the hours you have.
Now, you could create new fields and use a combination of Flow(s) to do something similar, but you will be touching the main OOTB tables (that get updates from Microsoft) plus with Power BI you can convert fields to display them in a nice way (like duration). Power BI is a cleaner design versus using fields/flow and storing more data in Dataverse.
Again, my opinion.
It’s a good chunk of time/work either way!
Please, mark this as answered to help others.