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Customer Insights - Journeys forum

Creating a New Events Portal

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The MS guide tells us that we need to create a new event portal for Production use, otherwise any changes we make are at risks of getting overwritten with the automatic updates.

Does anyone else feel hard done by this fact? We're paying for a full Marketing instance, not just a trial one, so I think it seems a bit harsh that the portal they included in the solution can't be used for Production purposes.

Anyway - I've got a few questions with regards to creating this new portal website:

  • Is there an easy way to copy the existing website contents and duplicating it? Otherwise we'll have to re-create all the basic functionality, e.g. logins, profile, sign outs, etc.
  • I've just test created a new website and a few sample templates to go with it. I then updated the website binding to point to my new website. Is this what we're supposed to do?
  • When I create a Marketing page, it still defaults to the old 'Event Portal' website instead of my new website. Is there a way to update this to default to the new website?

Thanks for your help.

  • Suggested answer
    Yen Russell Profile Picture
    Yen Russell on at
    RE: Creating a New Events Portal

    Seems like MS has completely updated the Events portal in the latest release. They're not using the Dynamics Portal technology as a mean for configuring the portal anymore (i.e. creating Portal records in CRM). Instead, they're going full Angular with REST API calls. The documents have been updated with this information. It also says that we can now customise the portal and it won't be overwritten by their updates anymore. 

  • David123 Profile Picture
    David123 120 on at
    RE: Creating a New Events Portal


    This is something I've been wondering about myself. The documentation states that "This topic describes the sample event portal that is included with Dynamics 365 for Marketing. The sample event portal is intended for demo and testing purposes only. Any customizations that you make to the sample event portal will likely get overwritten the next time you update Dynamics 365 for Marketing, so if you want to create a custom event portal to use in production, you must create a new website in your Dynamics 365 portal."

    So I interpret this as the event portal you get from the marketing application is only a "sample portal" and you have to create the "real" one on a new website.

    This seems strange since you are paying for a marketing application that includes an OOB event portal?

  • Yen Russell Profile Picture
    Yen Russell on at
    RE: Creating a New Events Portal

    Hi Megan,

    I have a Sandbox Marketing instance with the Events portal. This is for our development environment and I have another setup for Production.

    I want to make some changes to the Events portal, e.g. remove session tracks and sponsors, because they’re not relevant to us. However, based on this: - it seems like I can't just customise the existing portal. Instead, I have to create a new website or risk getting the changes I’ve made being overwritten.

    So my question is - how do I go about creating this new website easily? Technically I know how to create a website, but it means I’ll be starting from blank. Is there a way to ‘clone’ the relevant portal records to a new website?

    Thanks in advance.

  • megcda Profile Picture
    megcda 2,192 on at
    RE: Creating a New Events Portal

    Hi Yen,

    I'm not sure I'm clear on what you are trying to accomplish.  You have a full Marketing instance that you are using today, are you using this as a Sandbox?  Are you planning to do an uninstall and now use it for Production so you want to migrate what is in your Sandbox portal to a production portal?  Any clarification would be appreciated.



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