I am trying to set up fulfillment providers in power apps and need to turn on cloud flows for it, but many of my flows have this error when I try to activate it:
"This flow cannot be updated because the managed properties of this solution component do not allow customizations. / Flow process '5b85de36-0229-eb11-a813-000d3af77de6' cannot be updated because the managed properties of this solution component do not allow customizations."
Only online solutions I am seeing is to re-import them... but I didn't import them to begin with or know how to do that, so I am a bit lost.
Another error I have received is this:
Flow client error returned with status code "Forbidden" and details "{"error":{"code":"ConnectionAuthorizationFailed","message":"The caller object id is '2bdc125c-5e12-44e8-9aeb-f80a8e25ae88'. Connection '/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_commondataserviceforapps/connections/shared-commondataser-cec7fc7e-0ab1-4f77-8038-5a6b3b4ac9e7' to 'shared_commondataserviceforapps' cannot be used to activate this flow, either because this is not a valid connection or because it is not a connection you have access permission for. Either replace the connection with a valid connection you can access or have the connection owner activate the flow, so the connection is shared with you in the context of this flow."}}".