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Error creating cutomer asset, cannot create a new Maintenance Asset record when the Functional Location related record has it's 'Functional Location Lifecycle State -> Functional Location Active' set to 'No', or is not populated.

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After the latest release wave, I am unable to create new customer assets. Each time I save in the UI or via code, I get an error that "Cannot create a new Maintenance Asset record when the Functional Location related record has it's 'Functional Location Lifecycle State -> Functional Location Active' set to 'No', or is not populated." If I try to add a Functional Location Lifecycle State to an existing Functional Location, on save it complains with another error "The following fields were attempted to be updated in msdyn_functionallocation, but have been locked down: msdyn_functionallocationlifecyclestate."

My question is: how do I create a valid customer asset, which references a Functional Location, which in turn references a Functional Location Lifecycle State? Since this currently seems impossible due to some erro in the MS PreventFieldUpdatesPlugin.

  • SHRIKANT KARPUR Profile Picture
    SHRIKANT KARPUR 250 on at
    RE: Error creating cutomer asset, cannot create a new Maintenance Asset record when the Functional Location related record has it's 'Functional Location Lifecycle State -> Functional Location Active' set to 'No', or is not populated.

    Anyone found any solution on this?

  • MATTGUO Profile Picture
    MATTGUO 22,308 on at
    RE: Error creating cutomer asset, cannot create a new Maintenance Asset record when the Functional Location related record has it's 'Functional Location Lifecycle State -> Functional Location Active' set to 'No', or is not populated.

    Please trace this thread on SCM forum:

  • Suggested answer
    Al Iggs Profile Picture
    Al Iggs on at
    RE: Error creating cutomer asset, cannot create a new Maintenance Asset record when the Functional Location related record has it's 'Functional Location Lifecycle State -> Functional Location Active' set to 'No', or is not populated.

    Just guessing here but it sounds like you use dual-write with D365 SCM. "Functional Location Lifecycle State" is not a FS attribute, but since dual-write works near real time, the error likely comes from SCM.

  • Ali Khan Profile Picture
    Ali Khan 1,380 on at
    RE: Error creating cutomer asset, cannot create a new Maintenance Asset record when the Functional Location related record has it's 'Functional Location Lifecycle State -> Functional Location Active' set to 'No', or is not populated.

    Are you sure this is related to Dynamics 365 Field Service? Functional location lifecycle is part of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain

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