Hi JeroenBoer,
For what you are asking is not possible out of the box in AX as far as I know but for sure there are ways to handle these situations where we want to handle the incoming loads based on there volume and store accordingly in warehouse.
So what we can achieve in AX is that if we have volume for inbound loads then we can setup AX to select different put locations for different volume of the loads.
Now as you explained that there are 50 pcs on a load and vendor packed them in three bags of 15 pcs and one for 5 pcs and you want to receive each bag with its volume which to me looks difficult till you enter container details for each bag.
One way to handle this could be which I tried myself previously and works is
1 > Create 4 location profiles and setup volumes for them
1) Yellow-new -> Volume range 0-500
2) Green-new -> Volume range 501-1000
3) Blue-new -> Volume range 1001-1500
4) Red-New -> Volume range 1501-2000
So we have our locations setup with there volume range defined.
2 >Now for each load for the inbound order total volume is calculated. We have to setup four location directives one for each location profile.
There is one issue here and that is the Volume on the load header is not a physical field but a method and so cannot be selected on location directive query for segregation. So we created a new physical field in the load table labelled Total Volume and a logic was added where the total volume is copied from the display field to the physical field we created.
Create four location directives for put
Field Range
1) Yellow-new -> Edit query > Total volume > 0..500
2) Green-new -> Edit query > Total volume > 501..1000
3) Blue-new -> Edit query > Total volume > 1001..1500
4) Red-New -> Edit query > Total volume > 1501..2000
3 > Now create two purchase order for the item which has volume of 10 cm3
PO-01 - 11 pcs > LOAD-01 - Volume - 110
PO-02 - 110 pcs > LOAD-02 - Volume - 1100
Now receive these loads using load receiving and put away menu option in mobile device.
Now AX will work and select the location directive which falls in the volume range.
LOAD-01 - Volume - 110
1) Yellow-new ->Edit query > Total volume > 0..500 PASSED (As the volume 110 lies between 0-500)
2) Green-new -> Edit query > Total volume >501..1000
3) Blue-new -> Edit query > Total volume >1001..1500
4) Red-New -> Edit query > Total volume >1501..2000
LOAD-02 - Volume - 1100
1) Yellow-new ->Edit query > Total volume > 0..500 FAILED
2) Green-new -> Edit query > Total volume >501..1000 FAILED
3) Blue-new -> Edit query > Total volume >1001..1500 PASSED (As the volume 1100 lies between 1001-1500)
4) Red-New -> Edit query > Total volume >1501..2000
This way you can handle loads based on total volume of the loads and AX will put them in location as per the volume of the loads.
I have not tested the individual bag volume receiving as you asked for but will try and revert soon but give a thought to the solution I have proposed above.