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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Warehouse management volume of the item and location

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi experts, 

I have an item it has a volume of 8.00  weight 150.00 ( defined under physical dimension) 

But when i create a PO for the item.  The volume is shown as 0.00 and weight is shown as 150.00 under the load tab of line detail. 

In the same way i defined the volume in the location profile. but in the location it shows a different volume than what i have defined for the location profile.   in the location profile id i have volume of 125.00 

but in the inventory location under Inventory module shows the volume as  72576.00

( i opened the query (Qtrl + F3) in the inventory location under inventory module and set "Use warehouse management processes"  = Yes)


Where am i going wong. ??



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  • Razqa Lathif Profile Picture
    Razqa Lathif 25 on at
    RE: Warehouse management volume of the item and location

    Thank for your information.

    I can solved my error.

  • Rakesh Verma  Profile Picture
    Rakesh Verma 55 on at
    RE: Warehouse management volume of the item and location

    Hi Sagar.

    Kindly suggest this scenario too please.


    item X has physical dimension 10x10x10

    container has dimension  = 10x10x12

    so 10qty of X item can be put in 1 container.

    If there is 11 qty then should go to next conainer.

    Containers are lying there in warehouse location.


    Define physcial dimension of item > warehouse mgmt tab> phy dim group id

    Unit sequance group from "EA to PL"

    Create container group

    create container type - with above dimension

    create location profile id  ( no need to give dimension here)

    create locations

    assoicate location profile in po inbound location directive

    add mobile device menue item

    create PO for 9 qty = it will allow in conatiner

    create po for 11 qty = it will throw error.

    *But this one is not working*.

    Where are we missing *or its not possible in standard Ad wh mgmt*.

    *target* = *Conatiner size VS item size fitment*

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Warehouse management volume of the item and location

    Hi Suman,

    thank you for this interesting post.

    I am trying to make a trasfer order from one location to an another.

    In the location profile tab, i have 35 as the actual volume location and 10 the volume of the single item.

    As you can see in the picture attached, Dynamics doesn't give me an error message i wished, but allow a negative available volume after the third transfer order. I thought , the issue was the configuration of the item. The item only have  volume calculations used through the physical dimension group id in warehouse fast tab. Help.

  • JeroenBoer Profile Picture
    JeroenBoer on at
    RE: Warehouse management volume of the item and location

    Dear mr Suman,

    Thank you for this detailed explanation!

    I think this is really close to a final solution.

    There is only one issue as you have mentioned as well, the volume is on header level.

    In the given explanation there is 1 load for 1 purchase order line.

    But what if there is the following situation:


    Item A - 100 pcs  -> volume of 1 pcs is 1 - line volume 100

    Item B - 100 pcs  -> volume of 1 pcs is 2 - line volume 200

    Item C - 100 pcs  -> volume of 1 pcs is 4 - line volume 400

    Item D - 100 pcs  -> volume of 1 pcs is 8 - line volume 800

    Total load volume 1500

    In the load planning workbench a new load is created for all items combined.

    With this example the created location directive "Yellow-New" will fail, because the total volume range is 0 - 500, but in fact each load line individually will pass except for item D.

    Further more, when I will receive item D in 2 bags of each 50, they will both pass the "Yellow-New"

    In my opinion it is needed to have a value on Load line level in the location directive query called "Receving volume" for example. Here a range will be set on this value, for example "0..500"

    When registering an item the receiving volume is calculated (receive qty * volume per pcs), the result of this calculation needs to trigger the queries of the location directive

    As you have stated:

    "I have not tested the individual bag volume receiving as you asked for but will try and revert soon but give a thought to the solution I have proposed above."

    I am really looking forward to your test result.

  • Suggested answer
    Sagar Suman Profile Picture
    Sagar Suman 5,863 on at
    RE: Warehouse management volume of the item and location

    Hi JeroenBoer,

    For what you are asking is not possible out of the box in AX as far as I know but for sure there are ways to handle these situations where we want to handle the incoming loads based on there volume and store accordingly in warehouse.

    So what we can achieve in AX is that if we have volume for inbound loads then we can setup AX to select different put locations for different volume of the loads.

    Now as you explained that there are 50 pcs on a load and vendor packed them in three bags of 15 pcs and one for 5 pcs and you want to receive each bag with its volume which to me looks difficult till you enter container details for each bag.

    One way to handle this could be which I tried myself previously and works is

    1 > Create 4 location profiles and setup volumes for them

    1) Yellow-new -> Volume range 0-500

    2) Green-new  -> Volume range 501-1000

    3) Blue-new -> Volume range 1001-1500

    4) Red-New -> Volume range 1501-2000

    So we have our locations setup with there volume range defined.

    2 >Now for each load for the inbound order total volume is calculated. We have to setup four location directives one for each location profile.

    There is one issue here and that is the Volume on the load header is not a physical field but a method and so cannot be selected on location directive query for segregation. So we created a new physical field in the load table labelled Total Volume and a logic was added where the total volume is copied from the display field to the physical field we created.

    Create four location directives for put

                                                       Field                    Range

    1) Yellow-new -> Edit query >   Total volume >    0..500

    2) Green-new  -> Edit query >   Total volume >    501..1000

    3) Blue-new ->    Edit query >    Total volume >    1001..1500

    4) Red-New ->    Edit query >    Total volume >    1501..2000

    3 > Now create two purchase order for the item which has volume of 10 cm3

    PO-01 - 11 pcs             >          LOAD-01 - Volume - 110

    PO-02 - 110 pcs           >          LOAD-02 - Volume - 1100

    Now receive these loads using load receiving and put away menu option in mobile device.

    Now AX will work and select the location directive which falls in the volume range.

    LOAD-01 - Volume - 110

    1) Yellow-new ->Edit query > Total volume > 0..500  PASSED (As the volume 110 lies between 0-500)

    2) Green-new  -> Edit query > Total volume >501..1000

    3) Blue-new -> Edit query > Total volume >1001..1500

    4) Red-New -> Edit query > Total volume >1501..2000

    LOAD-02 - Volume - 1100

    1) Yellow-new ->Edit query > Total volume > 0..500  FAILED

    2) Green-new  -> Edit query > Total volume >501..1000 FAILED

    3) Blue-new -> Edit query > Total volume >1001..1500 PASSED (As the volume 1100 lies between 1001-1500)

    4) Red-New -> Edit query > Total volume >1501..2000

    This way you can handle loads based on total volume of the loads and AX will put them in location as per the volume of the loads.

    I have not tested the individual bag volume receiving as you asked for but will try and revert soon but give a thought to the solution I have proposed above.

  • JeroenBoer Profile Picture
    JeroenBoer on at
    RE: Warehouse management volume of the item and location

    Hi Mr Suman,

    I understand your explanation and I would like to create multiple location directives, bu I am looking for the correct option to use in the query.

    For example the location directives will be:

    1) Yellow-new -> max receive volume 500
    2) Green-new  -> max receive volume 1000
    3) Blue-new -> max receive volume 1500
    4) Red-New -> max receive volume 2000

    I'd like to use the volume of the received quantity in my query.
    We have item "Item001" with a volume of 100 for 1 piece, for this item a purchase order of 50 pieces.
    These 50 pieces will be on 1 Load and the load will be received (Load item receiving and put away)

    The vendor has packed this item into bags of 15 pcs, so we have 3 bags of 15 pcs and 1 of 5 pcs.
    We will receive a bag of 15 pcs on this load and te location directive will have to work as following:
    1) yellow-new -> failed; receive volume is larger than max receive volume
    2) green-new -> failed; receive volume is larger than max receive volume
    3) blue-new -> succeeded; location directive action will be triggered

    When we receive the bag with 5 pcs the location directive "Yellow-new" will succeed.

    My question is, how to build the query of the location directive to use the Receive volume as a parameter ?

  • Suggested answer
    Sagar Suman Profile Picture
    Sagar Suman 5,863 on at
    RE: Warehouse management volume of the item and location

    Hi JeroenBoer,

    The search for a put location by location directive depends on how you setup location directives.

    In cases if dont allow to split incoming quantity across locations there might be one location which can be rendered useless now for storage as it may be capable to store 90 % of items but not all of them together and another can qualify which can store all the incoming volume in itself.

    Also quantity received plays a crucial role as if the number of pieces incoming the warehouse are very large and you dont allow to split then even the largest volume location in warehouse cannot store them in this case as splitting is not allowed.

    So location qualification for storage depends on whether you allow split, the quantity received (as it changes the volume received), how you use query to filter out location directives and the sequence of location directives.

    As I have seen in your case you have multiple location directive action lines inside one location directive and once the location directive qualifies AX will start looking for the all the lines in sequence till it finds a location that can store all 50 pcs (20 * 50 = 1000) in one location.

    So consider if the received quantity was 40 pcs the volume would have been (20 * 40 = 800) and the line "YELLOW-NEW would have qualified for the search.

    So in case you dont allow split and you want AX to search the put location directly based on the volume of incoming items then you will have to use location directive query for that.

    So setup different location directive for each location profile locations by adding physical dimension group id in query.

    E.g if item A used physical dimension group id PD 01 which can only be stored in location profiles LP 01 then created a location directive LD 01 which has PD 01 in the query and LP 01 in the location directive actions query.

    So for the item A while searching location location directive LD 01 will always qualify as there is query which matches items A physical dimension group id.

    So make different location directive specific to the item instead of adding more location directive lines in the same location directive actions. This will give more precise and accurate locations search.

    So to conclude if bulky items needs to be stored in bulky locations and tiny one at tiny locations. Make two location directive one for bulky one for tiny and add locations and filter all the items on the header query by using physical dimension group id or something else that suits business.

  • JeroenBoer Profile Picture
    JeroenBoer on at
    RE: Warehouse management volume of the item and location

    Hi Mr Suman,

    Would you have a suggestions to rule out lines in the location directive actions, based upon the volume?

    As example I have the following location directive set:

    The query for the location directive action "Yellow New" is:

    The location profile "Yellow" has the following settings:

    What I would like to see is following.
    We create a Load with item X and a receive quantity of 50.
    Item X has, for 1 single PCE a volume of 20, so this Load line will have a volume of (20 * 50 ) 1000.

    When receiving this Load line the location directive is triggered and with help of the location directive actions a final put locations is searched.
    However, the line "Yellow-NEW" is also triggered, even though we already know the volume of 1000 will not fit in the locations with location Profile Yellow -> These location have a max usable volume of 811.01.
    The work creation history log shows all these locations are checked to see if the receive quantity will fit:
    I would like to see Ax won't even check these locations

    How can I set my query of the location directive actions, when the volume of a receive quantity exceeds the maximum usable volume of a location?
    Or should I create 4 different location directives and set the query in the Location directive?
    If so, what value to use in the query?

  • Suggested answer
    Sagar Suman Profile Picture
    Sagar Suman 5,863 on at
    RE: Warehouse management volume of the item and location



    AX does not allow you to store more than the volume of the location and for the ones its allowing it could be because of some setup missing.

    The sequence of things to setup are as follows.

    1- Setup location profile with actual and usable dimensions. (My case location volume setup as 11*11*11 = 1331 cm3)

    2- Make sure you select the unit in the location profile same as the item receiving unit.

    3- Make some locations and select the above created location profile. (My case I made 3 locations)

    4- Now make sure you never use the dimensions in the manage inventory tab as they are not used for warehouse location calculations.

    For item volume calculations use physical dimension group id in warehouse fast tab. If you use manage inventory fast tab dimensions, AX will not calculate item volume and will consider volume as zero and continue to put the item in same location again and again. (My case I setup my item for one pcs as 7*7*7 = 343 cm3)

    5- Setup location directive for the purchase orders to allow to put items in this location profile created in step one.

    6- After this create a purchase order for this item for 7 pcs and AX will now on its own not allow you to store this item more than 3 in one location as the location volume is 1331 and one item has volume 343 so 3 items will have 1029 and 4 items will exceed the location volume 1372. So AX will only allow to keep 3 items in one location while mobile device receiving.

    So First three items with volume 1029 will go in first location

    Next three items with volume 1029 in second location

    and final item with volume 343 in third location.

    For the above you have to use mobile device to receive the purchase order and AX on its own makes sure you dont exceed the location volume.

    I tried the same and it works fine. Kindly see the attached screenshot of the location volumes for your reference.

  • Ruben Heinrich Profile Picture
    Ruben Heinrich 631 on at
    RE: Warehouse management volume of the item and location

    So i can only tell, that volumetric calculation works for our Environment just fine. The System either wont even create Work for full Locations, but also wont let you put in stock by movement. The Mobile Device Comes up with an error Warning.

    We put in the physical Dimensions up in the actual Item in the Tab "Inventory Manamgement" not a physical dimensions Group!

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