RE: Server 2012R2 to 2016 CRM 8.x
We have been running an installation for some time. It is a complete install with four servers. CRM App, Async, db, and WFE. All are running server 2012 R2 with MS CRM Dynamics 365 8.2. We are attempting to do an in place on prem upgrade to server 2016 and MS CRM Dynamics 365 9.0. The first step is to upgrade the servers to server 2016. The db server, async server, and WFE server all upgrade to 2016 just fine. But the CRM App server has an IIS issue after upgrade.
Internal to IIS, all of the sites are gone.
Before upgrade After upgrade
We can start IIS, but don't know what to do about the sites themselves. We haven't even gotten to the point to upgrade the CRM itself.