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One Time Delivery Address on Sales Order Header using OData

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Good morning all,

Is it possible via OData to add a One Time Delivery Address to a Sales Order Header, or to set the One Time flag on a Customer Postal Address?

On the Sales Order Header entity, I found the IsDeliveryAddressOrderSpecific field, but setting it doesn't seem to do anything (maybe read only?)

I'm not seeing anything on the Customer Postal Address entity that could be set.

The main thing is that we allow our Customer to edit their addresses and we don't want to clog the Customer with a million different Delivery Addresses that are possibly only shipped to once.



  • WillWU Profile Picture
    WillWU 22,352 on at
    RE: One Time Delivery Address on Sales Order Header using OData

    Hi rhaywardpar,

    I think multiple addresses is not the main issue.

    What will you do to handler the addresses that are only used once, this may need to be customized depending on your needs.

    About the multiple addresses in AX.

    1. If you have a single customer address against customer account, AX will pick it as delivery address of SO

    2. In case of multiple addresses, AX will pick up address with ‘address purpose’ as ‘Delivery’

    3. In case of multiple addresses with ‘Address purpose’ as ‘Delivery’, AX will pick the first created one.

    And about the IsDeliveryAddressOrderSpecific field , I found the isDeliveryAddressOrderSpecificComputedColumnDefinition() method in the data entity with comment:"The <c>IsDeliveryAddressOrderSpecific</c> field is only designed for import scenarios".

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