When a Purchase Order is approved, the inventory updates with the products included on said order in the Quantity on Order field. Once the products are received, this quantity moves to the On Hand column.
Why is the opposite not happening when a Sales Order is made? I would expect a behavior similar to what happens when a Work Order has products involved. The Quantity Allocated is updated and the Quantity Available is reduced corresponding to the allocated quantity. Once the Work Order is completed, the Quantity On Hand gets reduced. Shouldn't something similar happen with a Sales Order? If I am selling a quantity of a product, I would expect that after the sale is complete, the inventory gets updated in response to that sale.
Am I missing or not understanding something? Do I need to make this functionality on my own?
Second, check that the product is an inventory type. These are the only ones that will tracked in your inventory. Go to the Product>>Tab “Field Service”>> check the field “Field Service Product Type.” Third, the quantity allocated and the quantity available are two different things: (See below info from Microsoft)
Quantity Available - how many units remain to be sold.
Quantity Allocated - how many units are currently listed on work orders as allocated work order products.
Lastly, if you are referring to Sales Orders in Supply Chain Management, you can take a look at Microsoft documentation explaining in detail the Data Integration. The important part here is to make sure your Products in Dynamics CE are in sync with your Supply Chain Management Inventory. (See this from the Microsoft reference below)
“The Order Has Externally Maintained Products Only field has been added to the Work Order Product entity and appears on the page”
Could you tell me what app you are using in Dynamics 365?
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