Hello Everyone,
Is it possible to add a tab to self-service portal which shows all customer assets of the signed in user?
For self-service the basic tabs are: Knowledge articles, Forums and Cases tab.
Answers are much appreciated!
Hello Everyone,
Is it possible to add a tab to self-service portal which shows all customer assets of the signed in user?
For self-service the basic tabs are: Knowledge articles, Forums and Cases tab.
Answers are much appreciated!
Hi szkvorcs,
Entity permissions has change to table permissions now, you can access it through Portal Management app or portals Studio.
Set up security in portals with table permissions - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
Configure table permissions using portals Studio - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
This article will walk you through the process with step-by-step instructions using an example scenario:
Example - Configure table permissions using portals Studio - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs
Hi Leah Ju,
I managed to add customer asset view. I registered to the self-service portal via my email, also I created the view for Customer assets with the filter that only the signed in user could see their own records. I did this filtering on the view in Dataverse itself, and also on the Portal App.
The following error message comes up: You don't have the appropriate permissions.
I looked at this documentation:
I'm not sure where can I access Entity permissions menu. Also I'm not sure if this will solve my problem at all.
Thank you for your earlier reply Leah!
Hi szkvorcs,
Using Entity List we can show/display Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Entity records on Dynamics 365 Portals.
And selecting Web Link Set and select “primary Navigation” Linkset to add a new web Link, which can show new tab.
Display records on Dynamics 365 Portals using Entity List | Softchief Learn
Also, you can refer following links, which filter records based on current logged in user of portal:
Dynamics 365 Portals: Entity List of ‘My’ Records | PowerObjects
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