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Change list visualization of a table based on a parameter

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Posted on by 448
Hi all,
inside opportunity I've related a table where users attach their documents.
Every document must be catalogued with its 'Document Category'.
I need to have in the list all 'Categories' minus 1 (LastDoc) ... this hide category must appear with all others only if the opportunity as statecodename = lost.
How can I obtain this?
thanks in advance for any idea or suggestion
  • Verified answer
    DiePic Profile Picture
    DiePic 448 on at
    Change list visualization of a table based on a parameter
  • Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Change list visualization of a table based on a parameter
    Hi Partner,
    My new understanding, and new problems:
    1.One personal table, related to opportunity.
    What is the relationship between them? 1:N, N;1 or N:N.
    2.'Category Documents' column
    Is this column in this personal table?
    What type of field is it? Choice? and it has four fixed values: category1, category2, category3, LastDoc?
    3. I select the drop down list of my personal table for documents attachments, I want to retrieve in category documents list
    On the opportunity:
    Do you want to create a new personal table record? Or do you want to select a personal table record that already exists?
    Can you provide a screenshot?
  • DiePic Profile Picture
    DiePic 448 on at
    Change list visualization of a table based on a parameter
    Hi Leah Ju thanks for your reply.... my english is not so good ... I try to explain better.
    Related to opportunity table, I've a personal table with list of documents.
    Every document in my personal table must be associated to a value in personalized column 'Category Documents'; in this list of category document you will find these categories: category1, category2, category3, LastDoc.
    When the opportunity is open (statecode = 0 / statecodename = open) and I select the drop down list of my personal table for documents attachments, I want to retrieve in category documents list:
    when my opportunity will be set to lost (statecode = 2 / statecodename = lost) I want to retrieve in list:
    this will be a plus document that explain why we have lost this opportunity, so somebody can do some check or valutation.
  • Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Change list visualization of a table based on a parameter
    Hi Partner,
    When related form records are displayed in a form of a table, these records are displayed in the sub-grid.
    Your requirement description is a bit vague, not sure if you want to hide all records in the sub-grid or just certain columns?
    1)If you want to hide all records in the sub-grid based on opportunity status:
    --The sub-grid is from the related table view.
    --Add opportunity status column into the view.
    --Then filter this sub-grid with this column.
    2)If only certain columns are hidden:
    Which ones? 'Document Category', ‘LastDoc’?
    And what data do they store? Can you explain further? Screenshots would be appreciated.

    I hope you can mark my answer verified if it is helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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