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Embedded Power App for Employee

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We are looking into using Embedded Power Apps to fill some gaps that currently do not exist in Talent.  We use this frequently in Dynamics finance and Operations without issue to fill various gaps in end to end processes.

So for the average employee who simply uses the ESS and only has the Employee role applied we are seeing there is no place to add the Power App.  For example in Finance and Operations I can embed it in various places, Project Quotation Project, Service Agreement, etc.  From these various forms you can than connect the "Input data for the Power App" field to unique items such as Project ID, etc.  Within Talent I can't locate an area to actually embed a powerapp for the average employee who is not in HR and uses the employee role.  For one thing there is not even an option to embed on the main ess however you can embed in a form which is not what we are looking for.  Even with that route the fields available in the "Input data for the Power App" have no value, such as Description.

A common concept we would use is key the "Input data for the Power App" to the personnel number or something unique to the employee than pre-populate the power-apps form with a variety of data about the employee.  These Power App forms are for the employee's and not so much HR in this scope.  Any ideas or guidance is appreciated, maybe we are taking the wrong approach here however I can confirm this works great in Finance and Operations.  This is for Talent Core HR not Attract or Onboarding.

  • Dudditz Profile Picture
    Dudditz 85 on at
    RE: Embedded Power App for Employee

    Hi Nicu, Thank you for taking the time to respond.  Indeed I am looking for more than just dropping generic forms/Powerapps  into Talent and looking more specifically to connect them to employee data.  I will send you a an email as suggested as we would be interested in continuing this conversation to further discuss our requirements.

  • Suggested answer
    Nicu Aleman Profile Picture
    Nicu Aleman 2,587 on at
    RE: Embedded Power App for Employee


    there are actually 3 places where you can embed the PowerApps in the Employee Self Service. I will show below the most commonly used:

    1. Open the Employee Self Service Area

    2. Click on Options and on Personalize this form:


    3. Click on the 3 dots from the below menu bar. Then click on add new PowerApp and then on the Tabs area (My Information and My Team). 


    4. A pop-up window will show on the right hand screen and add a name and the app ID:


    5. The newly added App will show as shown below:


    NB: if you want to show employee specific data and not only generic forms, use the Employee's ID or user name you need to know some tricks. Drop me an email and my company and I would be able to help.

    best regards,


    read my talent blog:

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