What is the best practice to reverse a customer payment journal which has more than 100 invoices for different customers.
We are on update 10.0.29
Hi Hossam,
Please check if they have same voucher nr. There are 3 payment trans og 1 general journal trans, that two payment vouchers needs to be settled manually.
Have you tried to settle customer transaction of original payment journal against credited version?
Hi Ali,
Thank you so much for providing me with the detailed steps.
I had to clear the invoice number in the import correct payment journal as it was giving me a posting error."Posting results for journal batch number ... has been canceled to avoid oversettlement"
Below are the results. Two payments with balance the net each other.
My doubt is why the status is showing as Open, would expect it to be closed.
You need to have debit customer and credit the bank.
You can creat ethe import of correction journal as follows:
1-Create a new customer payment journal for correction purpose
2-Export the original customer payment journal via entity "Customer payment journal line" and filter against the journal batch number
3-Export the file and then one the file is downloaded, open it and "Cut" the credit values (CREDITAMOUNT) and past them on debit field (DEBITAMOUNT).
4- Update the "JOURNALBATCHNUMBER" which new journal that you have created for correction
5-Delete row for "Voucher" so it will be generated by import
6-Create a import job in DMF, add the entity an upload the file
7-Import the file
Hope it can help you :)
Hi Saurabh,
All the tool bar options are dimmed once we are selecting those multiple invoices. I will check to see if I can unreconcile them and then try your solution.
Hi Ali,
Thanks for the update. We have unsettled the invoices. To make sure i understand you correctly. I need your help on the below:
"Customer payment journal line", will have debit to the customer and credit to the bank, i.e. reverse the original customer payment journal?
"Customer payment journal line settled invoice", this one I believe is clear. Basically we are importing the payment journal as it should have been entered in the first place.
You can use reverse option on customer form
But only thing you need to make sure you have not reconciled that payment.
Hi Hossam,
If the customer transactions is already settled with customer payment journal lines, you need to unsettle them and then you can evaluate to use data management with entity "Customer payment journal line" and to settle the new journal lines to previous one, you can use entity "Customer payment journal line settled invoice".
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