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SDK Upgrade for the payments connector to version 10.0.28 - Vanilla

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Hi everyone, 

I am performing an SDK upgrade from Retail SDK to the Commerce SDK, specially for the payments connector, I have already produced the package for the ERP sdk upgrade, just the connector is missing and would like to have a package separately. 

I have found a lot of articles how to do it, but none of them are clear. 

Please correct me if I am wrong in my understanding. 


Download the code GitHub - microsoft/Dynamics365Commerce.ScaleUnit at release/9.38 (my ERP version is 10.0.28) so the equivalent should be correct 9.38.

Place the code anywhere in my local and build it - which solution to build if I just want to build the website payments module?

After building it, I think it is straighforward, just upload into LCS add to assets and then install. 

Am I missing something in here? 

  • Suggested answer
    Shawnsauve Profile Picture
    Shawnsauve 1,089 on at
    RE: SDK Upgrade for the payments connector to version 10.0.28 - Vanilla

    Your understanding of the steps for upgrading the payments connector from Retail SDK to Commerce SDK is mostly correct. Here are a few clarifications and additional details to ensure a successful upgrade:

    1. Downloading the code: You can download the Commerce SDK from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce GitHub repository. Make sure you download the correct version that corresponds to your ERP version.

    2. Building the solution: Once you have downloaded the Commerce SDK, you can build the solution using Visual Studio. In order to build the website payments module, you will need to open the Commerce.Retail.SDK.sln solution file in Visual Studio and then build the Website project.

    3. Uploading to LCS: After building the website payments module, you can upload the package to LCS and add it to your assets. Make sure to follow the instructions provided by Microsoft for uploading and managing packages in LCS.

    4. Installing the package: Once the package is uploaded to LCS, you can then install it on your environment. You will need to go to the Asset library in LCS and select the package for the website payments module, and then follow the installation steps provided by Microsoft.

    One thing to note is that the upgrade process for the payments connector can be complex and there may be additional steps required depending on your specific environment and configuration. It is recommended to work with a certified Microsoft Dynamics 365 partner or consultant who has experience with this type of upgrade to ensure a successful implementation.

  • Suggested answer
    Blitzey Profile Picture
    Blitzey 370 on at
    RE: SDK Upgrade for the payments connector to version 10.0.28 - Vanilla

    Target ERP - 10.0.28

    Goal - Generate a Payments Connector package and make future upgrades simple

    STEPS to consider

    - Download the CSU Package - 

    SDK v9.38 which is the equivalent for Dynamics 10.0.28


    • VS2019
    • MsBuild v16
    • .net 4.6.1

    Project references: Required only the below

    • Channel DB
    • Commerce Runtime
    • POS


    - Locate the folder .\Dynamics365Commerce.ScaleUnit-release-9.38\src\ScaleUnitSample\ScaleUnit\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0, in here you will see the package produced.
    - Open LCS, go to Asset Library, click on the + symbol and upload the combined commerce package in the assets library
    - Now it is ready to be deployed in the environment

    For future upgrades:

    • Open the solution
    • Right click on the solution root
    • Manage Nuget packages
    • Search for 'Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Sdk.Runtime'
    • Tick the next version and build it.

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