We have Nav 2015 instance installed in the server and application is accessed via the Navision 2015 client through the PC.
Lets say,
today is 18/12/2018.
Posting is allowed only till 18/12/2018; which means posting will be blocked by 00.00AM on 19/12/2018.
My time zone is GMT+4.30
If you change the time zone of the Nav client installed PC (not in the Nav server) to a zone which comes behind my origin time zone (Eg: GMT -2.00) and you re-login to the system, system will allow you to post even after 00.00AM on 19/12/2018 because the time of the PC is still of the previous date (May be 10.30PM on 18/12/2018)
And if you check the date of the posted entries, it will 18/12/2018.
Due to some reasons, a team of users are doing this in my company.
Is there anyway control this from the Nav server ?
I cannot control the access in their PCs; they have admin privileges.
Any help will be highly appreciated.