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Export Marketing Email, Forms and Customer Journeys

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in the course of researching marketing emails from one system to another I found the following post. Is there any more recent information on this?

Export of marketing email templates - Dynamics 365 Marketing Forum Community Forum

As an answer the possibility is mentioned by Excel export and import. It is explicitly mentioned that the html code is also copied. Is there a special order or method how this works?

When I make an export of a template, I only get an Excel list with a list of the records of the templates.

Thanks in advance

  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Export Marketing Email, Forms and Customer Journeys


    If you are looking to migrate data across environments, it is recommended to use Configuration Migration tool.

    Here is the documentation which explains how the tool works.

    Move configuration data across organizations - Power Platform | Microsoft Docs


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