As an organisation we are trying to reduce the amount of services we are using and utilising Dynamics 365 for more of our day to day needs. At the moment we have quite a large mailing list on MailChimp with a daily newsletter being sent out with our latest news, this is imported by URL automatically.
Are there any plugins/extensions or flows that could potentially give us this functionality? Or anyway we can send our daily newsletter automatically through dynamics? (Ideally we would like to try and replace MailChimp)
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Hi, Zoe
I did a brief look at the ‘Import from URL’ function of mailchimp.
Unfortunately, the function has not been supported in Dynamics 365 Marketing yet.
It only allows a URL to be inserted in the Marketing Email, but does not load the content of this URL.
It is recommended that you submit your proposal to Ideas forum - Ideas List (
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Best Regards,
Hi Nya
Thank you for that detailed reply that has been helpful in terms of how we go about setting up the automated email. However it is the actual construction of the email it self that we are struggling to replicate. As at the moment MailChimp gets the email content it needs to send out by importing it via URL automatically. In Dynamics email creation section it seems we are limited to just the email templates and we can't pull in information like MailChimp can to build the content. Is this possible either in dynamics or with a combination of dynamics and power automate? we're not opposed to having a combination of dynamics/power apps to get that functionality.
Our blog is hosted in Wordpress and we send out the newsletter daily to our subscriber list so they can see new articles, so it would be really great if we could do this within dynamics.
Hi, zoej
Which you need is the Customer Journey function in Dynamics 365 Marketing.
Here is an article about the details of creating a Customer Journey. Please refer it to achieve your request.
If this helped you, I'd appreciate it if you'd mark this as a Verified Answer, which may in turn help others as well.
Best Regards,
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