Hi all,
I am new to this forum so apologies in advance if these questions are silly but any help would be appreciated.
We operate a small business and I am trialing Dynamics Sales to get a better hold our sales pipeline - we currently don't use a CRM rather capture info on a spreadsheet. Any step forward will be just that ...
I have signed up for a 30 day trial and all seems pretty intuitive to date - logical process for leads, opps, contacts, accounts etc... I am using the system dashboard (provided as part of the trial and that is fine for my initial needs) .
My questions are about integration with my existing Office 365 account. Currently, I am using Dynamics Sales via the web, I think there is also a sales hub app - but I cannot seem to locate nor install that. Is the trial restricted to web access or should I be able to install the Sales Hub App?
Secondly, part of the reason for trailing Dynamics is the integration with office 365 and apps like Outlook .... so for example, I may want to assign an account to a person in my organization but it is not letting me do that - only me. Or, I might want to copy the details of an existing email in Outlook - so if I was searching for a contact (internal or external) I was hoping that Dynamics would reference my Outlook history and be able to see email contacts via that ... and thereby stopping me retyping an email (into Dynamics) - it would just find it. Or another example, for accounts that are now set up in Dynamics - I I am in Outlook - establish a meeting or sending an email, I would like that to automatically link to the Dynamics trial - its any of this possible in a trial environment?
Cheers in advance for any help and again apologies if I am asking something really obvious!
PS - I am having trouble enabling the forecasting function too as I cannot create a user hierarchy - with me as the only user on the trial - again. perhaps this feature is not enabled in the trail. Any thoughts or guidance in the questions posed here will be appreciated.