Hi all,
This should be a very simple expression probably, But I haven't got the result yet. Please give a hand with the following.
I am customizing the ProdCalcTrans SRSS report. I have added the SalesTable and SalesLine tables to the datasource query (the query is working properly). I just want to display the Customer name at the header of the report and that is outside of the report. Note: the ProdId group has a page brake so each single prodId would be attach to each page header
if I have this expresion inside the ProdId group: =Fields!salesTableName.Value it shows the related customer name properly.
But I want to this outside the tablix just at the page header and I have made something like this: =Lookup(Fields!ProdId.Value, ReportItems!ProdId.Value, Fields!SalesName.Value, "ProdCacTransDS_Sales")
but it is not working (Lookup is invalid: invalidIdentifier)