Hi Guys,
I have a question i'm hoping someone can answer about Application Objects. I understand with the Starter Pack & Extended Pack in NAV 2013R2 you get an assignment of Application Object which can be used for customisations in the 50000+ range.
My question is, within the end user license can these additional objects be assigned to specific ranges ie. 10 additional tables between 50040-49 or do they always need to start from 50000?
The reason I ask, is i'm looking at a module which would be quiet useful to our business however it uses a predefined range of Tables, Code Units, Pages & Reports all in the 50080+ range.
I have enough code units, report and pages. Its just the tables which I need to purchase more of. If possible i'd like to purchase 10 additional not 90 additional so i'm in the correct range.
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