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Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archived)

Purchasing components as a KIT

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi all,


Our client has the scenario of KIT process in their business.we want to know how to map the same in sap through MM route,


KIT comprise of  3 components.




Comp x- 2 qty

comp y -2 qty

compz - 5 qty.


The client will  raise  a  po for the Kit  & get all the componets required. The components will  not be ordered sepeartely, it will come along with the KIT.


The KIT part no alone has the valuation, the other components dont have.


We want to know the stock level of both KIT and components.


Provide me a detailed steps, if possible provide the screen shot of the process



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  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Purchasing components as a KIT


    You can create the KIT1 as Item. Define the Assembly BOM for KIT1 (i.e. Comp X,Y,Z etc.)

    Generate the Purchase Order for KIT1 Item. Enter the overall "Direct Unit for this KIT1 item only

    You may print the required component in Purchase Order print out for reference purpose only. You might require some modification in your PO format accordingly.

    Receive & Invoice your KIT1 item, so that your valuation would be of KIT1 item.

    You can modify "Assembly BOMs" report to see the inventory of both KIT & Component items.


    Generate the purchase order with component items, later post the Assembly Order to increase your KIT1 item stock (and reduce component Item stock)...

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,

    Vishal Salot

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