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Customer experience | Sales, Customer Insights,...
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Static Segments

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I have a very basic customer journey that sends emails to a static segment. I noticed that if I add contacts to the segment, the emails are sent to the original set of contacts and not the added contacts. If I add contacts to a static segment, do I need to stop the journey and set it to live a second time? How do I get the emails send to contacts that were added after the customer journey has started?

  • Suggested answer
    Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 12 on at
    Static Segments
    You have to create a dynamic segment with the static segment inside the dynamic one.
    A contact added to a dynamic segment can start the journey , but adding to a static one cannot start the journey.

    So when you add contacts to the static segment, they will also be added to the dynamic one and the journey wil start.

    Good luck with this!
  • RE: Static Segments

    Hi Nya, thanks for your reply. In the journey I am working with, I've added 3 new contacts but the email never got sent to them.

  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Static Segments


    Here is my test journey.


    The segment "Test 03" contains only one contact.


    After the journey processed the contact,


    I added another contact into the segment directly without stopping the journey.


    The second contact will still be sent the email normally.



    As long as the end date of the journey has not yet arrived, the new contact in the static segment can be processed.

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