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Finance | Project Operations, Human Resources, ...

Microsoft GP 10 - Script Error Only When Trying to Run Reports

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Posted on by 12
A user using Microsoft GP 10 gets an 'An error has occurred in the script on this page - The Disk is Full' error, which references their local Users/user/AppData/Local/Temp/70/tmp......tmp location.
This is ONLY happening to one specific user, every time that they attempt to run a report from with GP.  This process worked fine for them prior to a few days ago.
I have checked their local folder to make sure that their account has full permissions and have verified that there is no danger of the disk actually being full.  I can also see that when they access other menus/processes within GP that the same temp folder successfully creates new folders and files.  So, it doesn't appear to be an issue with their account being able to create/edit their Temp folder.
Any ideas on what the issue might be? 
  • Verified answer
    Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,058 Moderator on at
    Microsoft GP 10 - Script Error Only When Trying to Run Reports
    Hi @Merlin803,
    David's suggestion about checking the Anti-virus settings is right, as it's often the culprit with temp files & folders. 
    If the issue isn't related to lack of diskspace in the system (i.e. shared RDS server, and no other user has the problem), try to use the disk clean-up tool from Windows and / or wipe out the %temp% folder location for that user.
    Another option would be to check if GP runs fine with that report when starting GP in elevated Admin mode.. if it's a local permission issue, this could prove it. 
    Beat (aka GP Geek)
  • merlin803 Profile Picture
    merlin803 12 on at
    Microsoft GP 10 - Script Error Only When Trying to Run Reports
    Thank you but if the users remote into the server to access GP and the Temp folders are created on the server, wouldn't all the users experience the issue if it was the servers antivirus?
  • Suggested answer
    David Musgrave MVP GPUG All Star Legend Moderator Profile Picture
    David Musgrave MVP ... 13,965 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Microsoft GP 10 - Script Error Only When Trying to Run Reports
    If you have checked that the local machine has drive space and that the permissions are correct, then it is probably the Antivirus.
    You need to exclude *.dat, *.idx, *.tmp files in the temporary folders. I would also exclude *.dic to keep it out of the GP dictionaries.
    Please see 


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