I'm following the process I always follow when trying to set up new 4 digit client codes.
Fill out CRM Dynamics 365 Sales Form and save and it generates a 4 digit code that applies to our client.
Today it was working all morning then after lunch I tried it again and an error message appears: "Code Range For Broker Is Empty".
I've never seen this message before. Also, I asked our I.T. to see if updates were completed today and they confirmed following:
1. Confirm there were no changes or deployments made over lunch.
2. They looked at Service Health in Office 365 and there are no service issues being reported.
3. They checked and didn't see any alerts in either.
I.T. opened up a ticket with Microsoft but looking to see what this error message could mean?
There is a field on the form that shows as "Code" which is blank until I save my entries on my form then this field automatically gets generated with a 4 digit code.