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Function DimensionValidationRequest::newForLedgerDimensionType has been incorrectly called.

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Hi guys,

I'm creating payment journal using X , initially it was fine and had been ran successfully (able to post via x ) for few days, but just recently (today) I got this error which I'm not sure what happened : 

Function DimensionValidationRequest::newForLedgerDimensionType has been incorrectly called.

My code is as simple as like this : 

ledgerjournalname = LedgerJournalName::find(CustParameters::find().TEST_CustomerPaymentJourName);

ledgerjournaltable.JournalName = ledgerjournalname.JournalName;

ledgerjournalTable.JournalNum = JournalTableData::newTable(ledgerjournalTable).nextJournalId();
ledgerJournalTable.Name       = strFmt("Payment on %1.", today());

While select....
    NumberSeq                       numberSeqTransVoucher;
    CustTable                       custTable = CustTable::find(receiptGroupTmpSelect.CustAccount);
    RetailTransactionTable          retailTable = RetailTransactionTable::findReceiptId(MyTable.receiptId);
    container                       txtReceiptIds;
    ledgerjournalTrans.JournalNum       = ledgerjournalTable.JournalNum;
    numberSeqTransVoucher               = NumberSeq::newGetVoucherFromId((ledgerjournalname.NumberSequenceTable));
    ledgerJournalTrans.TransDate        = MyTable.TransDate;
    LedgerJournalTrans.Company          = curExt();
    ledgerjournalTrans.Voucher          = numberSeqTransVoucher.voucher();
    ledgerjournalTrans.TransactionType  = LedgerTransType::Payment;
    ledgerjournalTrans.AccountType      = LedgerJournalACType::Cust;
    ledgerJournalTrans.LedgerDimension  = LedgerDynamicAccountHelper::getDynamicAccountFromAccountNumber(custTable.AccountNum,LedgerJournalACType::Cust);
    ledgerJournalTrans.DefaultDimension = retailTable.DefaultDimension;
    ledgerJournalTrans.postingProfile   =  CustParameters::find().PostingProfile;

    ledgerJournalTrans.Txt              = MyTable.Txt;
    LedgerJournalTrans.PaymReference    = MyTable.PaymReference;
    ledgerjournalTrans.CurrencyCode     = retailTable.currency;
    txtReceiptIds                            = [receiptInvPayMatchMasterGroupbyReceipt.ReceiptId];
    ledgerJournalTrans.ExchRate             =  CurrencyExchangeHelper::newExchangeDate(Ledger::current(),
                                                              receiptGroupTmpSelect.transDate).                                                                                                               calculateCurrencyToCurrency(ledgerjournalTrans.CurrencyCode,
                                                 Ledger::accountingCurrencyByLedger(Ledger::current()), MyTable.paymentAmount,true);
    ledgerJournalTrans.PaymMode                 =  MyTable.CustPaymMode;
    ledgerJournalTrans.OffsetAccountType        =  MyTable.OffsetAccountType;
    ledgerjournaltrans.OffsetCompany            =  curExt();
    ledgerjournalTrans.OffsetLedgerDimension    =  CustPaymModeTable::find(ledgerJournalTrans.PaymMode).PaymentLedgerDimension;


LedgerjournalCheckPost      LedgerjournalCheckPost;
LedgerjournalCheckPost      =   LedgerjournalCheckPost::newLedgerJournalTable(LedgerjournalTable,NoYes::Yes);;

Someone mentioned about Account structure changed, but there is no changes and currently is Active.


  • Ken Manhattan Profile Picture
    Ken Manhattan 516 on at
    RE: Function DimensionValidationRequest::newForLedgerDimensionType has been incorrectly called.

    I've remove the line for assigning PaymentLedgerDimension ->

    ledgerjournalTrans.OffsetLedgerDimension    =  CustPaymModeTable::find(ledgerJournalTrans.PaymMode).PaymentLedgerDimension;

    and the error is gone. It looks like doesn't need to assign "manually", then the standard code will assign it, based on the account type.

    But there is another thing though, about the Offset default dimension. I am wondering since I didn't "manually" assign the OffsetLedgerDimension it self, how am I going to assign Offset Default Dimension ? And as this is based on account type, how to correctly get the default dimension of it (for example if bank, then the bank default dimension, if account then account default dimension)


  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,234 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Function DimensionValidationRequest::newForLedgerDimensionType has been incorrectly called.

    Hi Ken,

    Have you enabled the option to debug in other models? You can enable more models via the options settings in the Dynamics 365 add-in.

  • Ken Manhattan Profile Picture
    Ken Manhattan 516 on at
    RE: Function DimensionValidationRequest::newForLedgerDimensionType has been incorrectly called.

    Now I'm thinking whether there is something not right on the way I make the payment journal ?

    Is there something I missed ? or something not in order ?

    I look at some blogs, but since everything and everyone has its own way of doing it, I'm more confuse then ever.

    Anyone can help me on this ?


  • Ken Manhattan Profile Picture
    Ken Manhattan 516 on at
    RE: Function DimensionValidationRequest::newForLedgerDimensionType has been incorrectly called.

    What really confuse me is the mentioned function, not even call when I debug. I have put the break point in DimensionValidationRequest void newForLedgerDimensionType, but not reach there.


    it is not to this and I can't find where in LedgerJournalCheckPost call this then error.

    What I can find so far is in LedgerJournalCheckPost - RunInternal, it will goes to CatchError, ->


    Right after running this statement : [postingSuccess, intercompanyPostingSuccess] = this.postJournal();

    But the postJournal actually return True for both, means no problem ?



  • Ken Manhattan Profile Picture
    Ken Manhattan 516 on at
    RE: Function DimensionValidationRequest::newForLedgerDimensionType has been incorrectly called.

    Yes, actually I did, however this posting process  (LedgerjournalCheckPost) contain so many function and many classes call each other, which I get lost so many time when doing it.

    So the reason I'm post in here probably someone have face this before and can point me to the right place.

    Anyway I will keep debugging.


  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,234 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Function DimensionValidationRequest::newForLedgerDimensionType has been incorrectly called.

    Hi Ken,

    As the function is not used in your custom coding, I would suggest using the debugger to find the culprit. It might be data related.

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