Dear All,
I had create some customization at Test Environment which is workflow approval at Customer Layer by using user id Admin.
I tried to login using my login, my current layer is user layer.
my customization is not showed up. how to activate my customization created at customer layer available at user layer.
please help.
Thank you in Advance
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Hi Sukrut,
i'm still new to customization and development.
previously this setted by previous worker before me.
I don't know much about this.
could you elaborate more, which menu I should open and check for more detail about security configured ?
thank you
Hi Sukrut,
I tried again to open cus layer from DEV-Server, using my administrator id,
its showed "sys,cus,usr" layer.
but actually my question is :
why at usr layer, login using my regular id and my purchasing id. the submit menu not showed, but using administrator id the submit menu showed up.
thank you
Hi Sukrut,
so its mean I did customization at USR layer,
but my issue still not solved yet.
when I login using my usual id ( not administrator ) and my purchasing user login, both login at USR layer, the submit menu not showed up at above the vendortable form ?
but, when I login using administrator, the submit menu showed up.
what is the root-cause this issue ?
thank you
Hi Sukrut,
see attached file.
I login as admin at my usr layer, the option already show all layer for form vendortable.
I login as admin at my cus layer, cus layer not showed at AOT form vendortable, but as we can see the customization showed at form vendortable ( the submit menu showed up )
Thank you
Hi Sukrut,
Thank you for your help.
turn out I choose standart form name during document name item choosing.
the customization already showed at other form name.
Thank you
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