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Auto Popup of list of Items in page 47 "Sales Invoice Subform"

Posted on by 640

How is the auto-popup of the list of Items in page 47 "Sales Invoice Subform" ("No." field) achieved? There is an OnValidate trigger (see below) that calls various procedures, none of which, as far as I can see, handle a KeyPress event (as known in .NET) that would load the Items page and filter as the user types the Item-Code. which is what happens.

field("No."; "No.")
ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
ShowMandatory = Type <> Type::" ";
ToolTip = 'Specifies the number of a general ledger account, item, resource, additional cost, or fixed asset, depending on the contents of the Type field.';

trigger OnValidate()

I've tried a snapshot debug session and an event recorder session, but I'm still none the wiser. I've used an OnLookup trigger but the user has to click the ellipsis button to display the list of Items. How does it happen automatically?

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

  • Nick Webb Profile Picture
    Nick Webb 640 on at
    RE: Auto Popup of list of Items in page 47 "Sales Invoice Subform"

    Thanks for your helpful response. So, the story is, in my table & page where I was trying to replicate the behaviour of the Sales Invoice card page, I had included an OnLookup trigger to display the Item List. All I did was to comment out this trigger and all works as it should. The trigger was cancelling out the system behaviour. A classic case of too much code. Oh well, live and learn.

  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 64,563 Super User on at
    RE: Auto Popup of list of Items in page 47 "Sales Invoice Subform"

    Hi, This is simply using the TableRelation Property in the table.

    More details:

    For example: table 37 "Sales Line"


    Hope this will help.



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