There are a couple of steps to take here.
1. configure SMTP Server (search for SMTP Mail Setup)
2. test SMTP by sending a test message
3. search for Custom Report Layouts
4. click New and then in Insert Build-in Layout for:
=> Report ID: 116
=> Insert Word Layout: check
=> OK
NOTE: here you can also import and change the layout so that it meets your business requirements!
5. search for Report Selection Sales
Here ensure the following is configured:
- Usage: Customer Statement
- Report ID 116
- Use for Email Body
- Use for Email Attachment
- double click on field Email Body Layout
- OK
- in Report Selection Sales, press ESC
Result: A layout is selected, typically called New Layout.
6. search for Customers, Edit one of the customers (use one that has <> 0 in Total Sales to avoid the report being empty)
7. select Navigate, Document Layouts
Here ensure the following is configured:
- Usage: Customer Statement
- Report ID: 116
- Custom Layout Description: New Layout
- Send to mail: type in the wanted mail address
- Use for Email Body: checked
- Email Body Layout Description: New Layout (or the custom name earlier created)
8. OK
Now you should be able to send an E-mail with a statement after selecting Report, Statement.