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Notify Contract Expiry Date

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Hi All,

I've a created a custom entity named Contract where there is a field named "Contract Expiry Date" and I've a business logic to notify business just before a week of contract expiry date and also on the same day of contract expiry through email. Could you please let me know if this possible to achieve it in system workflow?

Also, I would like to do the same by creating a task in the system to notify.

Thank you,


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,194 on at
    RE: Notify Contract Expiry Date

    Hi Leo,

    I found that even we create a new workflow for "7 days before date" and the workflow will still execute if we set the expiry date within 7 days.

    It seems that system might regards the contract record had passed the "7 days before date" point, so it wouldn't wait.

    So the only normal scenario would be that the contract record expiry date was set to 7 days later than current date.

    My thought is that you could still contains them inside one workflow due to the reason,

    by adding 3 check condition stages for 3 fields, and include different timeout in each check condition stage,

    then the workflow will only jump into one brance,



  • LeoFernandas Profile Picture
    LeoFernandas on at
    RE: Notify Contract Expiry Date

    Hi Clofly,

    As suggested, I've set two timeout conditions for 7 days before contract expiry date and on same of contract expiry date. However, the email is not sending out when there is a scenario like,

    First I set current date which is on same day (trigger point is on Create) and the email is not going out as the workflow enters into waiting condition at 7 days timeout step and moving to another timeout step where I have mentioned for same day expiry date.

    Looks like, I can have only one timeout step in a workflow which can either be 7 days or same day expire date. Also, for three different fields, I need to have different timeout steps for each field conditions check and that's not actually triggering correctly.

    This is my conclusion that I should have a three different workflow for three different fields and can have only timeout condition in a workflow.

    Could you please let me know if there is any other and good way?

    Thank you,


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,194 on at
    RE: Notify Contract Expiry Date

    Hi Leo,

    You should insert a check condition step inside timeout step:


    and group your fields validation with AND:




  • LeoFernandas Profile Picture
    LeoFernandas on at
    RE: Notify Contract Expiry Date

    Thank you Clofly and Naveen for answering my questions pretty quickly.

    I've one more question -  I have three different field where I need to check expiry date in workflow. So, is it possible to have timeout check for more than one field in single workflow?

    Thank you,


  • Verified answer
    Naveen Ganeshe Profile Picture
    Naveen Ganeshe 3,393 Moderator on at
    RE: Notify Contract Expiry Date

    Hello Leo,

    1. The Trigger point can be set only on Create and Change of Contract Expiry Date.

    2. Yes, it's possible to notify twice through email before 7 and 1 day before as Clofly showed in screenshot below:


    Here in 2nd step will replace the condition as timeout until 1 day before "Contract Expiry Date".

  • Verified answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,194 on at
    RE: Notify Contract Expiry Date

    Hi Leo,

    • Trigger point can be set only on Create and Change of Contract Expiry Date or it should be on any other point?

    Those options are all available trigger points, 


    while there are other two types of workflow, they could be triggered manually without trigger point.

    1. on-demand, it's mainly used for bulk data operation in entitylist view, and it could be executed manually by javascript. 


    2. real-time workflow, it could be used for form fields validation like business rule, but it requires more system resources, while the background not.



    •  it's possible to notify twice through email?

    You could insert another step after "7 days before the actual contract expiry date" step:




  • LeoFernandas Profile Picture
    LeoFernandas on at
    RE: Notify Contract Expiry Date

    Hi Clofly,

    Thanks for answering my questions.

    I've created a workflow and set trigger point as create and change of Contract Expiry Date field. I would like to notify twice that is 7 and 1 days before the actual contract expiry date.

    Could you please let me know if,

    • Trigger point can be set only on Create and Change of Contract Expiry Date or it should be on any other point?
    •  it's possible to notify twice through email?



  • LeoFernandas Profile Picture
    LeoFernandas on at
    RE: Notify Contract Expiry Date

    Hi Naveen,

    Thanks for answering my questions.

    I've created a workflow and set trigger point as create and change of Contract Expiry Date field. I would like to notify twice that is 7 and 1 days before the actual contract expiry date.

    Could you please let me know if,

    •  Trigger point can be set only on Create and Change of Contract Expiry Date or it should be on any other point?
    •  it's possible to notify twice through email?



  • LeoFernandas Profile Picture
    LeoFernandas on at
    RE: Notify Contract Expiry Date

    Hi Naveen,

    Thanks for answering my questions.

    I've created a workflow and set trigger point as create and change of Contract Expiry Date field. I would like to notify twice that is 7 and 1 days before the actual contract expiry date.

    Could you please let me know if,

    •  Trigger point can be set only on Create and Change of Contract Expiry Date or it should be on any other point?
    •  it's possible to notify twice through email?



  • Verified answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,194 on at
    RE: Notify Contract Expiry Date

    Hi Leo,

    You could let your workflow waits to send email util 7 days before the Contract Expiry Date by Wait condition(but we need to set Process to Timeout),


    then create a task record:


    if you have any doubt about concepts and differences between wait condition and timeout, you could read article below:

    You could also take these previous threads as reference:



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