We are currently using the 'MS Dynamics 365', Enterprise CRM version but below are the challenges which I need help resolving:
- Bulk upload of data is a complex process as per the current setup
- It doesn't allow bulk assignment of uploaded entries (E.g. Leads/Accounts). The person who uploads the data becomes its owner by default
- Error message/issues if any can only be viewed after going to the Class mode of the CRM | Sales | Data Management | Uploads | Select the uploaded entry | View failures for more details.
- Community setup isn't a Enterprise version feature?
- We want to set up our 3rd party vendors here so that they can use the extended version of our CRM instance to work on and pass on the details when ready and for that data to seamlessly flow into our CRM via bulk upload feature
- Should we level up our CRM instance for the above features to be available?