Hi Colleagues, maybe you can advice me something on this issue:
as probably all of you know there is magic button (AnyForm/Option/Page options/Security diagnostics ) on most of the forms.
This button (Security diagnostics) shows you all Roles, Duties and Privileges which have access to the current form.
In my case, for the VendTable form, the Security diagnostics shows some Roles (including MyRole) and Duties (including MyDuty - this duty is included into MyRole role and contains a Privilege with an EntryPoint for VendTableListPage).
Despite of this, as soon as I assign the MyRole role for the User, this User has no access to: Procurement and sourcing/Vendors/All Vendors.
I have explicitly assigned the Privilege/VendTableMaintain (with EntryPoint to VendTableListPage) to the MyRole - but User still don't have an access.
Any Ideas?