I created a table in Dataverse in which we will gather customer data entered through a Power App. The table (AppContact/cr53f_appcontact) is a custom table. I chose not to use the Standard Contact table. When trying to import this table into Customer Insights using the Common Data Service option, the table does not show up. In fact, only Standard tables appear in the list. No Custom tables are available.
Does anyone know how best to be able to import this data? Is there another connector that may work?
Aditya, as always, very much appreciate the help. Ray is one of us now and I didn't have a chance to work through this but did after reading your response. We'll give it a try in AM, it looks good so far. The support you guys provide is just incredible and very much appreciate it.
Thanks Ray.
Bringing in data from Dataverse into Customer Insights has two steps - 1) export Dataverse tables from the operational store into a Microsoft managed internal ADLS lake, and 2) read from that managed lake into Customer Insights. Something similar to this Azure Synapse Link - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs, Exporting CDS data to Azure Data Lake is Generally Available | Microsoft Power Apps
This needs the logeed in user to have sys admin privileges on the Dataverse environment, and we display tables with change tracking enabled only to be selected from to export into the lake. For these custom tables you are expecting to be visible in this discovery service and ingest into Customer Insights, can you confirm change tracking is enabled? (maker portal https://make.powerapps.com > select the environment from the top right corner > left navigation section > Data > Tables > change filter from Default to All on the top right corner to see all tables including your custom ones > identify/search for your table and select it > Settings on the ribbon > expand "More settings" section in the panel > expand "Create and update settings > select "Enable change tracking" option > select Done > repeat these steps for any other table(s) > go back to Customer Insights > your customer table(s) should be displayed in the list.
Once you are back into Customer Insights data source UI, you may notice that some tables might already be selected and in read-only mode, and once selected, you cannot unselect an entity. This is by design that once an entity is selected to exported/synced, it cannot be unselected and there is no issue here because we do NOT copy the data but only store the reference to the model.json files of the entities.
Let us know if you need further discussion and feel free to reach out to us at CIHelp@microsoft.com or create a support ticket from here in case if you face any further issues.
Thank you!
Aditya Kuppa
Customer Insights team
Hi Ray Fratto, I hope you are doing good.
Here information that can be useful for you when data importing with Common Data Service:
(+) Data Import with Common Data Service - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Community
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