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Item Tracking Lines - Serial No. wrong applied in Application Worksheet - with wrong Serial No.

Posted on by 52

Hi Expert,

we are using Business Central default Warehousing,

we are using the serialized items

we purchased 2 quantities with serial no. VKK222560158 and VKK221460463

as i sell the quantity one and select serial no.VKK222560158 and posted. but when we create another sales order and try to find the next serial no.VKK221460463. the serial number is not available in the item tracking lines. but in item ledger entries serial no is available and only one purchase transaction is there.

for detail, i go to the Application worksheet and find the Applied Entries here system apply my serial no. VKK221460463 with 1st Sales shipment Serial No.VKK222560158

what is the reason why the system applies my serial no?

any solution or suggestion?

 Sales Order Lines 


Item Ledger Entries


Application Worksheet


Applied Entries with the wrong serial no.


  • Suggested answer
    Manan_Shah Profile Picture
    Manan_Shah 1,457 on at
    RE: Item Tracking Lines - Serial No. wrong applied in Application Worksheet - with wrong Serial No.


    Possible it's user select wrong no. on Sales Shipment Item tracking lines. As user have choose serial no. from Available entries. 

    And explained by @daniele, you can you use Application worksheet to update the Serial no for Posted Shipment.

    Many Thanks,

  • Suggested answer
    DAnny3211 Profile Picture
    DAnny3211 9,186 Super User on at
    RE: Item Tracking Lines - Serial No. wrong applied in Application Worksheet - with wrong Serial No.


    look this


  • Rana Imran Nisar Profile Picture
    Rana Imran Nisar 52 on at
    RE: Item Tracking Lines - Serial No. wrong applied in Application Worksheet - with wrong Serial No.

    Document TypeDocument No.Item No.Serial No.QuantityInvoiced QuantityRemaining QuantityOpen

    Purchase Receipt PR-09976 AX9003609 VKK222560158 1. 1. 1. TRUE
  • Suggested answer
    Inge M. Bruvik Profile Picture
    Inge M. Bruvik 32,722 Super User on at
    RE: Item Tracking Lines - Serial No. wrong applied in Application Worksheet - with wrong Serial No.

    Can you show all your item ledger entries for that item?

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