Hello All,
I need make a SSRS report, but I Still could not success.
I used SQL is Fine but no work in AX...
I want to show the SSRS report:
1. Table relation is :
1) VendTable (V) join PurchTable (P) on V.AccountNum = OrderAccount ( AX Query I choice the 1:N inner join)
2) PurchTable (P) join PurchLine (PL) on P.PurchId = PL.PurchId ( AX Query I choice the 1:N inner join)
3) PurchTable (P) join VendPackingSlipJour (PJ) on P.PurchId = PJ.PurchId ( AX Query I choice the 1:N inner join)
4) VendPackingSlipJour (PJ) joine VendPackingSlipTrans (PT) on PJ.RecId = PT.VendPackingSlipJour ( AX Query I choice the 1:N inner join)
5) in SQL I still use the relation on PurchLine (PL).ItemId = VendPackingSlipTrans (PT).ItemId
otherwise I will get the one more the same transaction.
2. I need the SSRS Report to show:
1)Vend Account Number (V.account)
2)Vend Account Name (P.PurchName)
3) Business Rate (V.TaxGroup)
4) V.PaymtermId
5) V.Currency
1) PJ.PurchId
2) PL.LineNumber
3) PT.ItemId
4) PT.Name
5) PL.PurchQTY
7) PL.RemainInventFinancial
8) P.InclTax
9) PL.PurchPrice
10) PJ.PackingSlipId
11) PJ.DeliveryDate
This Report the purpose is
Find the PO that have post the product receipt but had no Invoice.
It is work when I use SQL and export the Data to Excel.
In AX I try many way in AOT-Query....but no work especially in SSRS report, Data is empty or no in the one line.
Have some one could performance this case for me.
I very appreciation u.
Thanks in advance.
Br, Jen
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