Hi All,
We have found that for few purchase orders the workflow button is greyed out/disabled,
We found that the Activate change management on the PO Header is set to No. Can this be the reason for the workflow button to be disabled.
Can anyone please help me how can we enable the workflow button for particular purchase orders.
Purchase orders created with change management have Draft State in Approval Status field which then change to In Review after workflow is submitted and changed to Approved status if approver approves it. For PO's created before enabling change management, it goes directly to Approved state due to which they don't have workflow button. I don't think you can move it back to Draft status and happy to be corrected here.
Hi Mohit,
we have enabled this parameter, but before enabling this parameters we have created some PO's for them the workflow is disabled. Can you suggest me how can we enable workflow for the PO's
that were created before enabling the parameter.
Hi Nithin, Change Management Parameter for Purchase orders is in Procurement and sourcing module in Procurement and sourcing parameters form
Hi André Arnaud de Calavon,
Thanks for the reply.
I am unable to find the change management parameter in AP parameters, Could you please guide me further.
Hi Nithinkumar,
Yes, when change management is not activated for the PO, then indeed the workflow is not activated. On the AP parameters, you can define if change management is active and if this can be overridden per vendor. On the vendor (tab Purchase order defaults, you can manage if the settings for the vendor can be overridden per purchase order.
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