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Can we anonymise data in Customer Insights for non-production environments?

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If you have multiple environments within Customer Insights is there common scripts or functionality to anonymise production data in non-production environments?

So, rather than me in a non-production environment looking at real data for a customer with their email address, social handles etc. can this be anonymised to Joe Bloggs?

As this data is stored at a data lake level I suspect so, but is that then supported?

Do we have direct access through to the data lake to access and anonymise this data?

  • Suggested answer
    Kasunpathirana Profile Picture
    Kasunpathirana 277 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Can we anonymise data in Customer Insights for non-production environments?

    Hi C2020,

    This is a great question indeed and there is no OOB feature at the moment. But this could be something which will add great benefit with all the regulations and GDPR in place. As Halen mentioned we can use Power Query and the other options mentioned to achieve some of this result.

    I would suggest you to to create an new idea if this is already not existing in the idea portal.



    The reply is solely my personal opinion. It doesn't reflect my employer or Microsoft opinion.

    my D365 related web site link is below


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Can we anonymise data in Customer Insights for non-production environments?

    Hi C2020,

    This is a good point you raise.

    The simple answer to your question is to undertake a few simple transformations using the power query functionality in Customer Insights when editing a data source.

    I can think of a few options to anonymise your data, such as removing fields, extracting specific strings from fields, or adding characters to fields to 'contaminate' the data and render it null.

    For example, you could remove the name field and personal ID fields completey. The add an indexed column to represent your new unique ID provided you do not have duplicates in that table. Email addresses can be extracted before or after '@' , and mobile numbers could be edited by adding or removing digits.

    As far as out-of-the-box functionality goes, I am not aware of anything in Customer Insights that does this automatically.

    Alternatively, you can also point your sandbox CI environment at your dev or UAT environment where you are reading your data.

    Kind regards,


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